Municipality of Volos has 144.449 inhabitants and is located in the center of the mainland Greece. Its main objective is to promote sustainable development and improve the quality of life of its citizens.
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Municipality of Volos has 144.449 inhabitants and is located in the center of the mainland Greece. Its main objective is to promote sustainable development and improve the quality of life of its citizens.
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• The organisation of activities for the promotion of social inclusion of Roma beneficiaries of the area. The promotion and prevention of health of the beneficiaries of the project.
• The promotion of health prevention and education for the beneficiaries residing in the area and for whom it has been certified that there exist barriers to access to goods and services
• All residents of Roma origin residing in Aliveri area in Nea Ionia Volos (1.225 inh.).
• All residents with problems of social inclusion and accessibility to goods and services who live around or inside the Aliveri area in Nea Ionia Volos.
• Services and Social Care and Health Promotion professionals of the wider area of the agglomeration of Volos-Nea Ionia.
• School units of compulsory education with high numbers of Roma pupils with incomplete or sporadic attendance.
05/2005 - 06/2009
• Romas Social and Medical Centre in Aliveri, was a subproject of the general project Local Initiatives for Employment (TPA) of Nea Ionia Magnesias for the period 3/2005-6/2009 with the aim of providing social support services and services for health prevention and promotion for the residents with a Roma origin of Aliveri area in Nea Ionia. The project constituted the continuance of the former Romas Office (2000-2005) which had run with its own funding, and continued for the period 2009-2015 as a Support Centre for Romas & Minority Groups.
• Actions implemented:
- Social inclusion and Care
- Prevention and Health Promotion
- Children's Creative Activities
- Support for the Housing
- Promotion of Employment and Employability
- Networking on Roma issues.
• The total project has been featured as a good practice within European Social Fund-ESF of the European Union at the level of Thessaly Region for the 3rd programming period 2000-2006 for Greece.
• The database for project cases’ registration incidents has been fully used by the Ministry of Labour for the development of the data entry of Roma projects by the Ministry of Labour.
• Networking activity resulted in the formation of the Panhellenic Network of Social and Medical Centres ( aiming at mutual information and promotion of actions and best practices and at the wider publicity of the project nationwide.
• Romas Social and Medical Centre in Aliveri has been the first Social and Medical Centre that cooperated with the Greek Ombudsman, by contributing with reports of Roma unequal treatment cases and with presentation of its actions.
• The pilot operation of the Children's Creative Activities action and the adults informal education have been adopted during the next programming period 2007-13 by the Greek State for the operation of the Romas Support Centres of all Greece as a verified action that actively supports the participation and stay of Roma children in school.
• The Advocacy action has helped the procedures of Romas social inclusion by promoting pilot cases to courts and thus ensuring the citizenship of many residents of Roma origin who due to chronic shortages could not claim their rights as citizens.
• "Women's Meeting Place" that has been created in the context of the project in order to encourage women of the Roma community to get out of their home, to meet each other and to discuss issues that concern them, such as children's education, employment, etc., has been chosen as a good practice for the support of the Roma children’s integration in school by the University of Barcelona in the context of implementation of the programme ROM-UP! (http:// coordinated by the Spanish organization of Roma women DROM KOTAR MESTIPEN (financed by the ESF / Life Long Learning programme).
- Number of requests for Social Workers services: Men: 746, Women: 426,
- Public sector accessibility supporting: 678,
- Street Working: 434,
- Accessibility supporting to Public health system: 3.638,
- Vaccinations (children): 1.299,
- Health (synergy with other ESF projects such as Domestic Care, etc): 15,
- Preventive health screenings for women: 51,
- Network meetings for Roma education: 1,
- Networking with organizations nationwide: 3,
- Women's Stage-subsidized training: 40,
- Women's Stage-public school degree: 5,
- Women-adult education (KEE): 200,
- Women's Stage-visits to job sites, visits: 6,
- Completion of Housing Requests, number of requests: 567,
- Children-targeted leisure time activities, number of children: 240,
- Children-encourage and support to enroll and stay in public schools, number of pupils: 140,
- Discrimination Cases to Greek Ombudsman: 2.
- Events in the Roma Settlement: 20,
- Events outside the Roma Settlement: 18,
- Meetings regarding child protection cases: 3,
- Volunteers involved: 15,
- Participation in International Networks: 4.
• More than 500 applications have been supported in order to benefit from the lending for a primary residence within the specific program for Roma housing. More than 350 loans’ beneficiaries were approved by the Ministry of Interior for the area.
• The local authority has incorporated for the first time in its 5-years Operational Plan actions for the social inclusion of the Romas, by recognizing as necessary the permanent and continuous effort for the local social cohesion.
• There has been a spectacular increase in the enrollments of Roma children in the Primary school (from a Roma children participation of 35% to a participation of 85%).
• Adolescent and adult women were supported for obtaining a baccalaureate title of elementary education after having passed the relevant exams.
• 2 reports have been drafted by the Greek Ombudsman for an incomplete accessibility of Roma to the public services following a report by the Social and Medical Centre of Aliveri.
• The citizenship status of the residents of the area has been covered by 100%.
• For the first time for the local Romas many Roma children have participated in the groups of Creative leisure activities who could not participate in other children's creative activities centers.
• All children at a school-age have been vaccinated who could not access such provisions by means only of their family’s capacity.
• Stakeholders from other Romas Social and Medical Centres were supported in conducting a population research through the Network of Romas Social and Medical Centres (documents, telephone advices).
Nea Ionia Volos, Greece (Roma community of Aliveri area)
ESF Actions Coordination and Monitoring Authority of the Ministry of Labour, National Focal Points for Roma, Management Organisation Unit of Development Programmes, ex-Municipality of Nea Ionia (now Municipality of Volos), Region of Thessaly, OAEDO, etc.
7 professionals of Social Care and Health, 2 employees from the organisation responsible for the project, 1 Coordinator of the Centre (representative of the Hellenic Network for Romas Social and Medical Centres).
• Creation and maintenance of seven working posts.
• Elaboration of a Local Operational Plan for the Romas of the area.
• Data of the needs primary mapping and identification of the beneficiaries.
• Participation as experts on Romas issues in supralocal synergies, as well as participation in other similar projects of a transnational -mainly- character.
• Formulation of a model of actions for vulnerable groups such as Romas.
• Adequate publicity for the organisation in charge of the Centre operation.
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