Thrakis Mills I. Ouzounopoulos S.A. is one of the leading flour mills in Greece for more than a century. The company is focused on producing premium flour based on high quality wheat from the rich land of Thrace.
Read more: myloi-thrakis.gr
Thrakis Mills I. Ouzounopoulos S.A. is one of the leading flour mills in Greece for more than a century. The company is focused on producing premium flour based on high quality wheat from the rich land of Thrace.
Read more: myloi-thrakis.gr
The company MYLOI THRAKIS I. OUZOUNOPOULOS S.A. has stood responsible towards societies and social groups in need with corporate social responsibility actions demonstrating and offering its solidarity to society as a whole to meet the needs of especially the most vulnerable social groups.
The whole set of our fellow human beings who are in need, especially the fragile and vulnerable social groups.
The initiative started to be implemented in 2020.
In this context, within 2020, he carried out the following actions:
1. Allocation of 1.13 tons of flour to meet the needs of those affected in Karditsa by the floods caused by the cyclone "Ianos".
The company offered, through the GREECE-OURS initiative, a quantity of 1.13 tons of flour to the Social Grocery of the Municipality of Karditsa to cover, together with the products of other Greek companies, the needs of those affected by the floods caused and the disasters that occurred during during the cyclone "Ianos".
2. Symmetochí tis etairías stin apostolí anthropistikís voítheias sto Lívano me 6 tónous proïóntos gia tin antimetópisi ton synepeión ton fonikón ekríxeon pou simeióthikan sto limáni tis Virytoú stis 04/08/2020. I etairía symmeteíche stin apostolí ton 180 MT anthropistikís voítheias se trófima, fármaka, iatriká eídi kai domiká yliká antapokrinómeni ámesa sto aítima syndromís tou Livánou. I allilengýi eínai éna simantikó systatikó pou entássetai vathiá stous politismoús kai ton dýo chorón, gegonós pou apodeiknýei óti boroúme na antimetopísoume tis dyskolíes mas, eidiká ótan eímaste enoménoi. I Ellinolivanikí Politistikí Énosi exéfrase me epistolí tis tin evgnomosýni tis gia tin ámesi antapókrisi sto aítima syndromís tou Livánou gia tin prosforá ton 6 tónon alévrou. 3. Prosforá alévron pou xepérase tous 2 tónous se Koinoniká Pantopoleía (Koinonikó Pantopoleío Thérmou, Koinonikó Pantopoleío Alexandroúpolis) kai se Syllógous se óli tin epikráteia gia stírixi tou érgou tous kai kálypsi vasikón anankón sympolitón mas. I etairía státhike synodoipóros gia akómi mía chroniá, stin prospátheia gia endynámosi ton synanthrópon mas pou vrískontai se anánki katá ti diárkeia aftís tis protógnoris katástasis pou viónei óli i anthropótita, me syneisforá proïóntos alévrou pou xepérase tous 2 tónous. Pio synkekriména, o Dímos Thérmou échei dimiourgísei to Koinonikó Pantopoleío, mia domí pou paréchei trófima kai eídi prótis anánkis se efpatheís omádes kai i opoía échei anánki apó ypostírixi. Étsi, i etaireía antapokríthike ámesa sto aítima gia parochí proïóntos. Akómi, i etaireía státhike gia álli mía forá dípla sto Polykoinonikó tou Dímou Alexandroúpolis kai to stirízei me tin prosforá alévrou, symparastekómeni stous anímporous sympolítes mas me tin eníschysi tou Koinonikoú aftoú Pantopoleíou, ópos epísis kai ston Filanthropikó Sýllogo Mérimna, Filanthropikó Sýllogo I Ankaliá, Sýllogo Oikogéneias KETHEA Diávasi kai RETO ELLAS PROKLISI TIS ELPIDAS. 4. Apostolí alévron sta spítia tou Paidikoú Chorioú SOS Thrákis. I etairía prochórise se doreá alévrou páno apó 100 kilá gia ta spítia tou Paidikoú Chorioú SOS Thrákis kai me aftón ton trópo synévale me ti seirá tis aftó to dýskolo diástima sto érgo ton Paidikoú Chorión SOS gia tin ypostírixi kai ti frontída aftón ton paidión. 5. Prosforá sto «Chamógelo tou Paidioú» alévrou pou xepérase ton misó tóno gia kálypsi anankón ton spitión tou gia to 2020. To «Chamógelo tou Paidioú» me stócho tin prostasía paidión thymáton káthe morfís Vías kai tin parochí se aftá enós asfaloús perivállontos, sto opoío apolamvánoun óla ta aparaítita gia tin ygií somatikí, psychologikí, synaisthimatikí kai koinonikí anáptyxi tous, leitourgeí panelladiká 11 Spítia. Kýrio mélimá tou Organismoú apoteleí i apofygí tis idrymatopoíisis ton paidión kai i omalí kai axioprepís epanéntaxi tous sto koinonikó sýnolo. Me sevasmó, diakritikótita allá kyríos me perísseia agápi kai storgí «To Chamógelo tou Paidioú» sta Spítia tou échei megalósei kai megalónei ekatontádes paidiá thýmata Vías. Sto plaísio aftó, i etaireía Mýloi Thrákis pragmatopoíise doreá proïóntos me stócho tin parochí eníschysis os pros tin etísia sítisi ólon ton paidión pou filoxenoúntai sta 11 spítia tou. I synkekriméni synergasía provlíthike me enérgeies epikoinonías apó ton Organismó allá kai apó tin Protovoulía ELLA-DIKA MAS. 6. Stírixi me tin apostolí proïónton ton dráseon kai programmáton tis Orgánosis «Giatroí Chorís Sýnora» I etairía Mýloi Thrákis synergázetai me tin Alpha Bank kai syneisférei sto érgo tis teleftaías vásei tou opoíou schediázei kai ylopoieí prográmmata koinonikís prosforás, se synergasía me foreís, gia tin ypostírixi efpathón omádon tou plithysmoú tis chóras (apórous, polýteknous, ilikioménous), sto plaísio tis Etairikís Koinonikís Efthýnis tis. Mésa sto étos 2020, gia tin ylopoíisi tou prográmmatos koinonikís prosforás tis – doreá trofímon pros efpatheís koinoniká omádes, dóthike proïón 160 kilón stin orgánosi «Giatroí Chorís Sýnora». 7. Stírixi tou filanthropikoú érgou tis Mitrópolis Alexandroúpolis. I etairía stirízei to polýtimo érgo tis Mitrópolis Alexandroúpolis kai tou Ioakeímeiou Ekklisiastikoú Girokomeíou eíte me chrimatikí eíte me proïontikí prosforá. Stóchos eínai i exasfálisi kalón proüpothéseon diavíosis kai períthalpsis gia tous trófimous kai perithalpómenous tou Idrýmatos. I proïontikí syneisforá anílthe stous 2 tónous alévrou gia to étos 2020.
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων
4.364 / 5.000
Αποτελέσματα μετάφρασης
Αποτέλεσμα μετάφρασης
2. The company's participation in the humanitarian aid mission to Lebanon with 6 tons of product to deal with the consequences of the deadly explosions that occurred in the port of Beirut on 04/08/2020.
The company participated in the shipment of 180 MT of humanitarian aid in food, medicine, medical supplies and construction materials, directly responding to Lebanon's request for assistance. Solidarity is an important ingredient that is deeply embedded in the cultures of both countries, which proves that we can face our difficulties, especially when we are united. The Greek-Lebanese Cultural Union expressed in a letter its gratitude for the immediate response to Lebanon's request for assistance for the offer of 6 tons of flour.
3. Offer of flour that exceeded 2 tons to Social Grocers (Thermo Social Grocery, Alexandroupoli Social Grocery) and to Associations throughout the territory to support their work and cover the basic needs of our fellow citizens.
The company has been a fellow traveler for another year, in the effort to empower our fellow human beings who are in need during this unprecedented situation experienced by all of humanity, with a contribution of flour product that exceeded 2 tons. More specifically, the Municipality of Thermo has created the Social Grocery Store, a structure that provides food and basic necessities to vulnerable groups that are in need of support. Thus, the company immediately responded to the request for product provision. Furthermore, the company once again stood next to the Polysocial of the Municipality of Alexandroupoli and supports it with the offer of flour, supporting our helpless fellow citizens by supporting the Social Grocery Store, as well as the Charity Association Merimna, the Charity Association The Agalia, Association Family KETHEA Crossing and RETO GREECE CHALLENGE OF HOPE.
4. Sending flour to the homes of the SOS Children's Village of Thrace.
The company proceeded to donate more than 100 kilos of flour for the houses of the SOS Children's Village of Thrace and in this way contributed in turn in this difficult period to the work of the SOS Children's Villages for the support and care of these children.
5. Offer to the "Smile of the Child" of flour that exceeded half a ton to meet the needs of their homes for 2020.
"Smile of the Child" with the aim of protecting child victims of all forms of violence and providing them with a safe environment, in which they enjoy everything necessary for their healthy physical, psychological, emotional and social development, operates 11 Houses nationwide. The main concern of the Organization is to avoid the institutionalization of children and their smooth and dignified reintegration into society.
With respect, discretion but above all with an excess of love and affection "The Smile of the Child" in its Houses has raised and is raising hundreds of children victims of Violence. In this context, Myloi Thrakis company donated a product with the aim of providing support for the annual feeding of all the children accommodated in its 11 houses. This specific cooperation was promoted through communication actions by the Organization and also by the GREECE-OURS Initiative.
6. Support by sending products of the actions and programs of the "Doctors Without Borders" Organization
The Thrace Mills company cooperates with Alpha Bank and contributes to the latter's work, based on which it designs and implements social contribution programs, in collaboration with agencies, to support vulnerable groups of the country's population (the needy, those with many children, the elderly), in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility. In the year 2020, for the implementation of its social contribution program - food donation to vulnerable social groups, a product of 160 kg was given to the organization "Doctors Without Borders".
7. Support of the charity work of the Metropolis of Alexandroupoli.
The company supports the valuable work of the Metropolis of Alexandroupoli and the Joachimios Ecclesiastical Old People's Home either with a monetary or product offering. The goal is to ensure good living conditions and care for the inmates and dependents of the Foundation. The product contribution amounted to 2 tons of flour for the year 2020.
Strengthening the solidarity work of Agencies and Institutions for practical assistance to society as a whole to meet the needs of especially the most vulnerable social groups.
The total donation amounted to 12 tons of product (flour).
Greece and abroad.
The company contributes practically to the work of many NGOs, Agencies and Foundations throughout the Greek territory, and primarily to the local community of Alexandroupoli.
For the implementation of this specific initiative, the company collaborated with the "GREECE-OURS" initiative, with the social grocers of Thermo and Alexandroupolis, with Smile of the Child, the SOS Children's Villages of Thrace, with Doctors Without Borders, as well as with the Charity Association Merimna, the Charity Association Agalia, the Family Association KETHEA Crossing and RETO GREECE CHALLENGE OF HOPE.
The initiative was set up by the company's management and implemented with the help of its staff and the organizations with which it cooperated.
Further strengthening of the responsible profile of the company, connection with the local community of Alexandroupolis and with the social work of many organizations - bodies in the rest of Greece and abroad.