Free educational activities

«Διάδρασις» is a voluntary initiative launched in 2011 by a group of young people. Our goal is to develop a variety of actions aimed at preventing and informing about online addiction.
The aim of free educational activities is to enable all children to be educated through visits to museums but also to get in touch with culture by watching theatrical performances, as well as participation in sports activities and charity competitions. Moreover, actions related to workplace visits help children to understand everyday life and to take real pictures of life beyond computer and internet
Within the framework of this effort, and in the last three years, a series of important actions have been carried out that cover the education of children, athletic, cultural, practical, and providing them with general knowledge.
So we have offered free participation in theatrical performances. Theater based on recent studies has proven to help children become more and more active and more specifically when children watching theater are more available to accept other people of the same or different nationality more available to participate in polls. Children facing an Internet addiction issue or their families are in financial difficulties had the opportunity to see the play the "Prince and the Poor" at Avakio theatre.
The children also attended 2 times during the three years 2015-2016-2017 in our area Karagiozis According to a survey by Thomas Agrafiotis for the Modern Greek Shadow Theater as a means of educating primary school pupils, both helps in understanding and in the child's psychosis.
More specifically, Karagiozis' psycho-pedagogical approach refers to the child's relationship with the philosophy of the art of Shadow Theater. At a first level, this approach concerns the particular relationship of child psychology with the shadows of two-dimensional figures on the illuminated cloth. On a second level, the same approach extends to the question of the communicative directness of the Shadow Theater through the analysis of the behaviors of the small viewer as a receiver or transmitter of messages in Karagiozis' performances.
As part of the process of occupational therapy we conducted a series of activities which provided the opportunity for children to participate in all daily activities that make people either as individuals or together with others which filled the time people give purpose and meaning to their lives. For that we conducted actions such as a bakery visit and the participation of children in the production of bakery products.
Paramount importance in children's education and their socialization has sports and so many of our activities were related to sports or sporting activities.
Children learn to obey the rules for the good of the team, learn to respect the rights of others. They learn to compete in healthy conditions, where defeat is something negligible.
Researchers have reported many times about the results of sports activities in girls. More features indicate that there has been an increase in self-confidence and self-esteem among girls. They had a better picture of themselves, and a reduction in disease risk. Athletes also have more chances of academic success.
Within the three years, therefore, several 5 * 5 football matches were held. Another interesting activity of ours was our action "Teacher for a Day". As part of this action, Antonis Mantzaris, a basketball player of AEK and then Peristeri team, met with the children and did their homework together. There he informed them about basketball both in theory and in practice informing about sport and its benefits.
Social charity actions. Children need to understand the needs of their fellow citizens and to cultivate a sense of solidarity and to feel the beautiful feeling of offering. So we chose the bidding process and thought about doing it together. By recycling and offering to disabled people. The reason for our action "Recycle - I help - I move". The children of our centers gathered a large number of lids and donated them to Mr. Babis Dounavis, a municipal councelor of Peristeri and a disabled person in order to buy carts for people who have disability problems.
Another action we also chose to do in combination is the basketball charity match that, instead of a ticket, those who watched brought food for people in need. The Pressing Team and the Union of Illion participated in the Solidarity fight "Press-ing in Sport".
With all of these actions we believe that we have tried as much as possible so that children who face problems of socialization and behavior due to excessive exposure to the Internet and to the online daily routine develop a series of social actions and social activities.
children and adolescents
February 28, 2016: Free observation of the "Prince and the Poor" theatrical performance at Avakio August 4, 2016: Visit at a bakery lab where children also took part in the production of bakery products and learned about the bakery profession.
1 October 2016: Football match 5 * 5 in the context of sports activities
December 2, 2016: Antonis Mantzaris, basketball player for AEK and the team of Peristeri, became a teacher for one day: he spoke about basketball and the importance of sport as he entered the classroom and gave them a lesson reading them for the next day.
December 21st 2016 at the "George Kakouris" Gymnasium in Ilion: 2nd Press-ing in Sports "Press-ing in Sport", where the Pressing Team and Union of Ilion joined forces in a separate basketball game
2 April 2017: Visit to the War Museum
May 31, 2017: Donation of a large number of plastic caps to Mr. Babis Dounavis.Municipal Councelor of Peristeri and Disabled person. The donation aimed to shopping carts as part of the "Recycle Lids Help I Move"
December 10, 2017: Play of Karagiozis
As part of our free educational activities, we visit museums, sports venues and theaters without the slightest charge for the participants.
The children are stunned and have captured pictures and experiences that they bring to both their classmates and their parents
Athens - Attica
Pressing team
Our employees participate voluntarily and their number depends on the needs of each activity.