
Framework and Procedures for Stakeholder Communication on Sustainability Issues

Framework and Procedures for Stakeholder Communication on Sustainability Issues

Hellas Gold

Mineral wealth has always been a source of prosperity for our country. Today, it can once again become a driving force for economic recovery. Hellas Gold confirms this perspective, with investments exceeding $1 billion, employment of 1,600 employees, active support of Greek suppliers & businesses and important initiatives & projects to support the local community.

The mining company HELLAS GOLD SA was established in December 2003 with the aim of: Operating and exploiting mines of all types, processing, and trading of ores, establishing and operating a metallurgical plant for vertical production in Halkidiki. 


Company videos & Statements

Objective Action

Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Company Operations


Target Audience

Local Communities, Public Administration, Government Regulatory Bodies, Investors, Local Residents, Employees



  1. Corporate Sustainability Reports: Since 2013
  2. Community of Interest Committees: Since 2023
  3. Quarterly Social Performance Reports: Since 2023
  4. Environmental Monitoring Program: Since 2016
  5. Intranet: Since 2020
  6. Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy: Since 2015
  7. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics: Since 2015


Hellas Gold has reinforced its sustainable development strategy, emphasizing the Environment, Society, and Governance (ESG) triptych. The company discloses its ESG performance through various reports and indicators, affirming its commitment to transparency. With established reporting mechanisms for sustainability, environment, and society, alongside modern employee communication platforms and a corporate newsletter, Hellas Gold has created a robust framework for engaging with social stakeholders, local communities, regulatory bodies, environmental groups, and investors. Transparency and active social responsibility are central to the company’s operations. Specifically, the company publishes:

Annual Sustainability Report

A) The report complies with the following standards:

- GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards

- Sustainability Accounting Standards Board - Metals & Mining Standard

- United Nations Reporting Framework

B) Through the parent company, Hellas Gold participates in the following self-commitment initiatives:

- S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment

- United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress

- CDP Climate Change, Water Security and Forest

Quarterly Social Performance Report
Social Responsibility Performance Summary
Annual CSR Performance Report
Annual Social Impact Assessment Report
Annual Report of the Community of interest Committees
Minutes of the Community of interest Committee meeting  
Monthly Newsletter on issues related to the company’s Sustainable Development Policy
Employee Portal and Intranet "Insight", which won the Bronze Award in the Best Intranet category for 2023 at the Internal Communication & Employee Engagement Awards 2024
Public Access to the Environmental Monitoring Program, which allows the observation of quality indicators for water, soil, and air ecosystems

Additionally, the company has implemented an Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy to ensure strict compliance with applicable laws. All employees and contractors sign a Certificate of Compliance, and the policy is available in public areas and included in annual training. A Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is adopted, with comprehensive training provided to all employees and contractors. Moreover, an effective Reporting Mechanism (EthicsPoint) has been established for addressing complaints and concerns raised by stakeholders. Any stakeholder can confidentially report concerns about the company's operations and the compliance of the organization or individual employees with laws, government regulations, health and safety rules, or the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.


Impact on Society

Hellas Gold's dedication to transparency, ethical behavior, and sustainability yields significant benefits for the community, employees, and investors.

For the community, public access to environmental monitoring data and detailed reports ensures transparency and builds trust. Social investments and community initiatives enhance local infrastructure, education, and health, while job creation and economic development contribute to local stability. Significant investments in environmental protection preserve local ecosystems, ensuring a healthier environment for future generations.

Employees benefit from a culture of integrity and ethical behavior, reinforced by comprehensive anti-bribery and anti-corruption training that fosters pride and motivation. Recognition through various awards further enhances job satisfaction and retention rates.

For investors, the company's strong ethical practices, including comprehensive anti-bribery and anti-corruption training, instill confidence in the integrity of its operations. Additionally, Hellas Gold's positive reputation boosts the credibility of its investors, and its commitment to sustainable practices ensures the long-term sustainability of its operations, promising continued returns and growth opportunities.

Measurable Results:

  • €1.49 million in social investments
  • 138 social investment actions implemented
  • €8.9 million in environmental investments
  • 332 separate meetings/contacts with the local community
  • 1,934 jobs created
  • €18 million expenditure towards the local supply chain (contractors and suppliers)

Initiative Location

Applies to all activities of Hellas Gold in Greece:

Working with Organization

  • Sympraxis, for the organization and coordination of the Committees of Interest meetings
  •  Geospatial Enabling Technologies & Enveco, for the Environmental Monitoring Program


Workers Participation

  • Participation in the internal review process of the materiality analysis.
  • Participation in training on the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Benefits for Οrganization

Hellas Gold's dedication to transparency and responsible operation brings substantial benefits to the company. By providing public access to environmental monitoring data and regularly publishing detailed reports, Hellas Gold builds trust and enhances its reputation among the community and stakeholders. Ethical behavior and active community engagement foster goodwill, strengthening relationships with local communities and contributing to higher job satisfaction and employee retention.

Proven success in sustainability and social responsibility attracts long-term, stable investment, while adherence to high standards reduces regulatory risks and gives the company a competitive edge. Meeting these standards ensures regulatory compliance, minimizing the risk of legal issues and fines. Overall, Hellas Gold's commitment to transparency and sustainability not only supports the environment and society but also enhances the company's long-term sustainability, profitability, and market opportunities.

Measurable Results:

  • 0 incidents of corruption
  • 0 incidents of violations of key business principles
  • 0 reports of breaches of legal compliance through the whistle-blowing mechanism
  • 0 written warnings from authorities
  • 0 new legal cases related to the protection of privacy
  • 0 new legal cases or significant fines for compliance issues
  • 100% of employees comply with the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
  • 30% of employees received training on the Code
  • 58.7% of employees and 100% of business partners were informed about the policies and procedures against bribery and corruption
  • Information, communication, and cooperation among the 1,742 employees and contractors in Greece and the 3,112 employees of the parent company in Turkey, Romania, the Netherlands, and Canada

Connection with Global Goals

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation