


Heraclion Port Authority S.A.

The strategic plan of Heraklion Port Authority’s Management aims to make the port more competitive by offering high quality services and, an important role player in the Cruise Business by implementing its Customer 5-senses Experience Enhancement Model.


Read more: www.portheraklion.gr

Objective Action

ELECTRIPORT integrates the National and European Policy and Strategy in the Transport Sector, the need to strengthen port infrastructure with environmental projects, the adaptation of port facilities to the requirements of zero carbon footprint and of course aspires to contribute to the integrated protection of the environment.


Target Audience

Residents of the city of Heraklion, tourists, employees of the Organization and the wider area



1 year


The project ELECTRIPORT - Alternative maritime power in the Port of Heraklion (Action n ° 2020-EL-TMC-0051-S) was submitted in January 2021 and approved by the European Mechanism "Connecting Europe Facility 2020 (CEF) , among many other competing projects at European level. ELECTRIPORT integrates the National and European Policy and Strategy in the Transport Sector, the need to strengthen port infrastructure with environmental projects, the adaptation of port facilities to the requirements of zero carbon footprint and of course aspires to contribute to the integrated protection of the environment.
The bodies participating in the implementation of the project, aspire to complete the necessary technical, financial and environmental procedures, so that the Port of Heraklion Crete becomes the first Port in Greece to apply methodically and comprehensively Cold Ironing technology, with parallel investigation use of renewable energy sources.
ELECTRIPORT is also important for the City of Heraklion, as it is in line with the development of the city as a sustainable tourist destination.
The project covers the preparation of a complete set of studies (economic and mechanical studies) for the development of onshore supply technology (OPS) for each type of ship.
In particular, it includes the elaboration of the following basic studies:
• Port operational capacity analysis for sizing power supplies from land and calculating power demand.
• Environmental Impact Assessment Study and related risk assessment studies required for the installation and operation of the OPS system.
• Mechanical design studies for the installation of the OPS system and the current and future needs of the port network capacity.
• A cost-benefit analysis and a socio-economic evaluation
• Auction documents

The Corporate scheme consists of:

Heraklion Port Authority SA, Lead Partner
Wartsila Hellas
Premium Consulting, Business Development & Consulting
BMG Marine - Electromechanical Engineers,
Hellenic Mediterranean University (ELMEPA)
ANELIXIS Development Consultants SA
MSI Hellas, Port Facility Security Company
National Technical University of Athens


Impact on Society

The environmental benefits from the implementation of this project will be multiple since the goal of the Organization is the final achievement of zero carbon footprint. Residents of the city, tourists, employees of the Organization but also of the wider area, will now be able to enjoy a port without exhaust from ships, gases which are very harmful to the human body.

Initiative Location

Port of Heraklion Crete

Working with Organization

Workers Participation

The project team of the Port Authority of Heraklion consists of the Chief Executive Officer, its Special Advisor on Technical Issues, but also executives of the Organization from the Directorate of Technical Works, Development and Planning, Finance and Port Services.


Benefits for Οrganization

Contribution to the global effort to reduce CO2 emissions

Connection with Global Goals

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