It all started in 1867, when Henri Nestlé created Farine Lactée, the first baby food. It was a mixture of bread, milk and sugar, which managed to save the life of a newborn, laying the foundation for the creation of the largest company in the field of nutrition. From then until today, Nestlé's philosophy has not changed. The company is built and developed based on timeless human values and serves the fundamental principles of justice, honesty and respect for people, society and the environment.
Nestlé's core purpose is to highlight the power of nutrition by enhancing the quality of life for everyone, today and in the future. In Greece, Nestlé has been present for over 120 years. It operates in ten different product categories, employs more than 700 workers and has two factories: the coffee factory in Oinophyta and the Korpi natural mineral water factory in Monastiraki, Vonitsa. In the field of social responsibility, Nestlé develops initiatives and actions for people and families, for communities and for the planet.
Nestlé Greece: Good Nutrition, Better Life | Nestlé Greece (nestle.gr)