Network for Social Economy and Employment Promotion of women scientists in the area of Thriasio

The Organization "Thalpos-Mental Health" (former Athena-Social Care) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization founded in 2005 with an active role in intervention and raising awareness on mental health and management of social care programs.
The aim of the Action was to prepare and promote for employment 65 women participants who own a higher education degree and come from Thriasio area (Municipalities of Elefsina, Megara and Aspropyrgos). A network of complementary actions has been implemented such as counseling, training, networking, job matching services, etc., which linked participants’ characteristics and needs with those of local labor market, aiming to highlight Thriasio area’s development potentials.
Emphasis was given to the information, training, networking and consulting of the beneficiaries for the development of business activity in selected sectors, with reference to the promotion of social entrepreneurship through the establishment of social cooperative enterprises under the Law 4019/2011 about Social Economy and Social entrepreneurship.
Throughout the range of activities that took place, the participation and cooperation with local social and productive organizations was essential for the overall support of the Action. In this context, possibilities for partnerships were also explored amid different factors at local level and with developmental character. In this effort, a systematic attempt of information was made about Social Economy and its dynamics as a tool for local development.
The Action was referred to unemployed women with a tertiary education degree in Thriasio region (Municipality of Elefsina, Megara and Aspropyrgos) and especially to the 65 beneficiaries of the Action, the local society and the local business community.
Within the action, emphasis was given on gender’s dimension intervention in educational, social, working and business level with specific focus on equal opportunities and non-discrimination, as well as diversity management in facilitating the elimination of gender inequalities in employment.
November 27, 2013 - December 30, 2015
The Action "Network for the Social Economy and Employment Promotion of Women Scientists in Thriasio Area" was implemented by the Development Partnership "Thriasia-New Women Scientists in Employment". It is a group of public, private and non-profit partners who have teamed up and worked together to transfer their knowledge and expertise for the optimal implementation of the Action.
The purpose of the Development Partnership was to mobilize local actors to boost employment, entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. The preparation and promotion of the employment of the beneficiaries was pursued through more specific actions:
- Networking
- Information & Awareness
- Training
- Information - Counseling - Support
The Organization "Thalpos-Mental Health" strategically chose to highlight the role, dynamics and good practices of Social Economy for both the beneficiaries and the local community through the following activities:
- Targeted and up-to-date information through and social networks of Action, development and management of Social Entrepreneurship Forum http://topsa-
- Organizing the "Social_businessHUB - A three-day event devoted to social entrepreneurship"
- Thematic municipal Meeting "Social Entrepreneurship & Management"
- Thematic municipal Meeting "Social Entrepreneurship & Modern Technology Tools"
- Informational event "Promoting entrepreneurial ideas on local scale examples of social business"
- Thematic Workshop "From theory to practice: building a Commonwealth"
- Creation of a "Labor Market Promotion Guide-2015" with special issue on Social Entrepreneurship
- Counseling sessions:
- Developing and enhancing soft skills
- E-commerce
- Brand yourself & brand your business
- Teamwork & collaboration in social business
The Action "Network for the Social Economy and Employment Promotion of Women Scientists" of the Development Partnership "Thriasia - Young Women of Science in Employment" was implemented within the framework of the action “Local Plans for employment, adjusted to the needs of the local labor markets” of the O.P. “Human Resources Development” - Priority axis 08 “Facilitating access to employment in the 3 Phasing– out Regions” which is co-founded by the European Social Fund.
The results of the Action are reflected in:
- 6 partners
- 65 unemployed women with tertiary education
- 2 field studies
- 70 speakers
- four 125-hour training programs
- 8,125 hours of training
- 368 individual mentoring sessions
- 60 group mentoring sessions
- 4 web-based tools (site, microsite, forum, Facebook page)
- 4 Informational events
- 9 workshops (thematic and sectoral)
- 1 career day / work report
- 21 meetings with organizations apart the Development Partnerships (business, thematic, development etc.)
The geographic scope of the Action interventions concerns municipalities Eleusis, Megara and Aspropyrgos.
Thalpos-Mental Health has been a partner of the Development Partnership between the following partners:
- Cultural Center of the Municipality of Aspropyrgos
- Public Entity Culture & Sports, Social Policy & Preschool Education of the Municipality of Elefsina
- Association of Megara Scientists
- AKMON Educational Organization SA
- SOL SA - Collaborating Certified Accountants
For the planning, coordination and implementation of the Action 14 employees were occupied such as social scientists, research staff, communication scientists, psychologists, trainers / consultants, financial and administrative staff.
Since 2007, the Organization has been working with local, national and European organizations to develop and implement a detailed strategic action plan on employment, social integration, mental health and well-being, etc., to raise awareness and active participation in local societies to address social issues in the long run.
The Action "Network for the Social Economy and Employment Promotion of Women Scientists in Thriasio Area" contributed substantially to the development of Thalpos-Mental Health actions and to other areas of intervention besides mental health and well-being, by introducing us a reliable and experienced partner with continuous presence and action in the development and implementation of new projects which respond to the changing needs of society.
To implement this Action, we joined forces with public and private stakeholders (local agencies, public bodies, institutes, cultural organizations, businesses, professional chambers and associations, employers’ organizations, etc.) managing to create a wide network of people and to lead effectively a development effort with a social sign for the local community of Eleusina, Megara and Aspropyrgos.
We developed effective and productive partnerships with local community and partners who believe and endorse in turn our values:
- Integrity
- Innovation
- Transparency
- Responsibility
- Teamwork