International Lead Music Festival

The Molyvos International Music Festival (MIMF) is a unique project in the North Aegean region, bringing together the greatest international young talents for a celebration of world-class classical music. Fusing exciting rising-stars alongside the biggest names in classical music, MIMF rises as Greece’s most prestigious classical music event and one of Europe’s idyllic chamber music festivals.Source
The International Music Festival of Molyvos (DiFeMM) started in 2015 with the aim of a) upgrading the cultural life of the island b) exposing the new generation of Lesbos to classical music, c) attracting quality tourism by creating new ways of approaching the tourist product and d ) the contribution to regional development.
The educational programs that take place within the framework of the institution twice a year, in November and May, function in addition to the curriculum, giving public school students of primary and secondary education the opportunity to get to know classical music, as well as resources to design and promote their own cultural productions.
The International Music Festival of Molyvos is addressed to those who love classical music and cultural events, to the residents of Lesvos but also to those who spend the summer on the island, to the students (more than 4561 students, to date) who take part in the educational programs and to the their teachers, to the volunteers who participate every year and to the entrepreneurs who offer their services for the purposes of the Festival.
The Festival lasts 9-11 days and educational programs are held twice a year, April/May and November/December.
The International Music Festival of Molyvos (DiFeMM) is an innovative institution with high standards, active in the North Aegean with the participation of leading performers of classical music from all over the world. By filling a cultural gap, DiFeMM achieved the active participation of the local community, strengthening the economy and implementing innovative educational programs for young people.
DiFeMM operates on two axes:
a) the Summer Festival with 3 levels:
-the holding of the main Festival,
- the pre-festival events and
- the unique "Molyvos Musical Moments". Short, unexpected musical interventions, musical "preludes", which take place during the day in different parts of Molyvos, on the beach, on the cobblestones, in the discotheque, encouraging the participation of all the inhabitants of the settlement in the festive atmosphere of the Festival.
Through the pre-festival events it aims to spread classical music to the general public by highlighting the island's cultural heritage through a mix of concerts and tours held in various locations.
Through the unique, unexpected "musical moments" that spread throughout the settlement during the day, the festival utilizes and highlights all the beauties, architecture and traditional wealth of Molyvos, helping to develop a new audience
b) the educational programs:
The educational programs of the International Pencil Music Festival are held throughout the year in primary and secondary schools throughout the island and aim to unlock the imagination and enhance the creativity of children and young people.
In detail, the MUSIC KEY, which usually takes place in November-December, consists of visual and musical workshops, which are held in schools in collaboration with the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of the North Aegean. As part of the workshops, distinguished young artists who usually come for the program from abroad, perform works of the classical repertoire, transmitting their passion and knowledge of music. Through interactive approaches, they encourage children to participate and explore new ways of expressing themselves through music. The workshops last from 45 to 60 minutes and are aimed at fifth and sixth graders, middle school and high school students.
The MO-TO key, which usually takes place in April-May, is the second program of DiFeMM and was created in 2016 with the aim of introducing children to cultural management, providing useful knowledge and necessary information. The MO-TO Key is held in collaboration with the German cultural institution TONALi and the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of the North Aegean. Greece, represented by Lesbos, is the third country to implement the educational application, after Germany and Italy. The MO-TO Key is aimed at fifth and sixth grade students and high school students.
In the first stage, the participants learn how to organize a cultural event. Then they get down to business: each school "adopts" a talented TONALi musician, with the goal of planning and organizing a regular concert of his at the school. In the final phase, students from all schools collaborate and organize, with the help of the DiFeMM committee, the final chamber music concert, in which all the musicians participate, and with which the program is completed.
Through the educational programs that are an innovation in the Greek area, it aims and expects to:
To date, the educational programs have been attended by 4,153 students!
The International Pencil Music Festival has created an institution that
• is a positive, great cultural event that is communicated globally and at this juncture, it will be a source of revitalization for Lesbos and the North Aegean in general.
• exposes the society of Lesbos to classical music, broadening its horizons
• upgrades the cultural life not only of the island, but of the country
• its educational programs complement the curriculum by offering skills to the students of the island
• at a time when the island has been associated with the images of refugees, the Festival attracts quality tourism giving another perspective to Lesbos
• creates a loyal audience, which comes to Lesvos especially for the Festival
• sparks regional development.
• contributes to the elimination of social inequalities through the universal language of music
• acts as an international ambassador for the North Aegean region and Greece
• approaches the tourism product of Lesbos through culture
• promotes intercultural exchange through the language of music
• develop new audiences through "Musical Moments"
The four-day main program of the Molyvos International Music Festival takes place in Molyvos, Lesvos, and the opening events take place at points of cultural and environmental interest on the island.
The educational programs are held in schools all over Lesvos.
To date, 277 volunteers (about 50 volunteers per year) and 30 employees have participated in the Festival each year.
The volunteers, whose ages range from 18 to 70, are mainly employed in production (travel, reception, production assistants, etc.), the majority of them come from Lesbos, but many come to the island on the days of the event from the rest of Greece as well , having communicated their desire to help through social media and the site.
Volunteers are important to the Festival, and the Festival to them, as they are given the opportunity to interact with the established artists, attend rehearsals and enrich their experiences by participating in an international festival.