It is generally accepted that all humanity and its institutions (governments, Local Self-Government, scientific community and Civil Society) should protect, record and save Human culture.
Thus, each country must save and highlight its culture and hand it on to the next generations.
That is why we should answer as Greece:
to the necessity of Digitization of Greek Culture with the most modern tools, •
in the use of new NON-destructive techniques in saving our cultural stock, •
in the creation of highly specialized scientific personnel, in the use of new technologies •
in the need for their training, from the pioneers and experts in these subjects •
in the correct digitization of our cultural heritage, in accordance with international standards and the creation of the so-called DIGITAL GREEK CULTURE •
in its rise throughout the world •
in increasing the flow of cultural tourism in Greece • and
to the increase of national income and the development of the region and local communities.
In order to achieve the above goal, the multi-awarded "Perraivia" Network collaborates with the University of Western Attica and the European Institute of Culture, Environment and Sciences (Members of the Portal of Cultural Agencies of the Ministry of Culture and Sports) and organize targeted seminars in Greece/ Laboratories, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Regions throughout the country, in order to create the next generation of highly specialized scientists, in matters of rescue and preservation of our cultural heritage.
The seminar concerns: Archaeologists, Art Conservators, Art Historians,
System Design Engineers, Physicists, Chemists, etc. There will be lectures on
trainees and on the second day there will be an open lab where the trainees will
use portable laboratory techniques to identify materials in projects
art and archaeological findings, as well as portable scanners (3d scanning)
as well as portable 3D printers (3d printing).
Scientific potential of Universities, Foundations and Institutes, of all levels, with specialization in Archaeology, History, Geology, Biology, Anthropology, Chemistry, Informatics, Physics, Mathematics, Cultural Informatics, Polytechnics (Electrical Engineers, Civil Engineers, Architects, etc. ), Conservators of Excavated Finds and Works of Art, Graphic Arts, etc. , specialties i.e. involved in any way in the great topic of Digitization of Cultural Heritage.
Executive staff of the Ministries: Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Digital Governance, Development, Environment and Energy, Culture, Foreign Affairs, Education, Religion and Sports
Ephorates of Antiquities, ICOMOS of Greece and Cyprus, Museums, General Archives of the State, state and private libraries, Holy Metropolises of the Church of Greece and other Churches, Federations, Associations of Scientists, Union of Greek Conservators, Hellenic Archaeological Society, Association of Archaeologists, Association of Architects, ICOM of Greece and Cyprus, Associations, Research Societies, Bodies implementing National and European Programs, Non-Governmental Organizations, etc.
2016 (Πειραιάς, Βόλος ,Λάρισα) και
2021-2023 (Ρόδος, Σύρος, Αταλάντη, Λάρισα, Τρίκαλα)
The 'PERREVIA' Network, in collaboration with PADA and the local Regions or Municipalities, organize highly specialized seminars, in order for scientists to be informed about the existing high non-destructive technologies (RAMAN, XRF, etc.), in the preservation and promotion of our cultural heritage ,
The Ephorates of Antiquities, throughout the country, are encouraged to procure this type of equipment or, if they have it, they are informed about how they will use it.
The innovation lies in the transfer of condensed knowledge from the University to the front line, in the training of scientists in such technologies, which leads to the promotion of cultural heritage in the Region of Greece and in this way creates traffic and for this reason develops entrepreneurship and creates income in the local communities.
In this way, the "unknown" Greece and the unique Greek Culture are highlighted.
all involved offer their services for FREE and participating scientists also participate for FREE.
NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: twenty (20) SCIENTISTS from the area of responsibility of the Region of Thessaly
TRAINING HOURS: Sixteen (16)
EDUCATIONAL STAFF: Highly qualified scientists, university professors, researchers
EQUIPMENT: FREE high-tech equipment from the University of West Attica is available for training
From the implementation of the Seminars/Workshops there will be the following positive elements:
FREE Training of scientists, in matters of high cutting edge technologies and practical application in the field, in view of the works in the Ancient Theater of Larissa, but also in archaeological monuments of Thessaly
Creation of a scientific potential, which will be able to use New Technologies to study, record, digitize, save and highlight the Cultural Heritage of the region of Greece (archaeological sites, theaters, monasteries, churches, pictures-paintings, objects , etc.)
Preparation of scientists for the claim of European programs in the Digitalization of Cultural Heritage and creation of synergies,
Highly qualified scientists are being trained
Participation of scientists from all regions of the country, FREE
Interconnection of the Region with the University of Western Attica and research centers in Greece and abroad
Acquisition of specialized knowledge for the executives of the Ephoria of Antiquities, executives of T.A. etc. (Utilization of existing equipment that is currently not used and production of scientific work)
Highlighting the archaeological wealth of the Region, creating smart cities and branding destinations
Development of the so-called Creative Industry in Culture (Creation of new jobs, especially for the Young Generation)
Piraeus, Larissa, Volos in the year 2016 (3 seminars/Workshops), in Rhodes, Syros, Atalanti and Larissa in the year 2021 (4 seminars/Workshops) and in Trikala and Larissa in the years 2022-2023. (6 seminars/Workshops)
1. local self-government of Grade A and B (Municipalities, Regions)
2. local Ephorates of Antiquities, with which the organizers have been cooperating for many years, and Universities in the intervention areas
3. museums (public, municipal and private) and Civil Society Organizations
4. Independent scientists
Members of PA.D.A.
Dr. Theodoros Ganetsos Professor Laboratory Director – Head of Department
Dr. Dimitris Tseles Professor
Dr. Nikolaos Laskaris Assistant Professor
Dr. Andreas Kantaros Postdoctoral Researcher PA.D.A.
Dr. Christos Drosos EDIP PA.D.A.
Eleni Symeonaki MSc EDIP PA.D.A
Meropi Katsantoni Supt. Did. PA.D.A.
Konstantina Romantzis Did. PA.D.A.
Christianna Papitsi Subs. Did. PA.D.A.
Konstantinos Skriapas (Economist-Co-Organizer-Organizer of PADA seminars)
The final composition of the training group is determined each time, depending on the availability of trainers
NOTE: For the realization of the Seminars/Workshops, all the scientists work, non-profit and of course without any remuneration.
The benefits for our Agency are:
1. The reasons for the existence of our Agency are implemented, namely the contribution to society, the country and the New Generation
2. Acquiring expertise/experience at our Agency in organizing such specialized seminars/Workshops
3. Contributes to the study, recording, research, digitization, rescue and promotion of Hellenism Culture
4. It contributes to the creation of a stream of cultural tourism
5. It contributes to the creation of entrepreneurship in the region of our country and helps residents stay in their homes
During the seminars held so far, hundreds of scientists were trained in Piraeus, Larissa, Volos in the year 2016, in Rhodes, Syros, Atalanti and Larissa in the year 2021 and in Trikala and Larissa in the years 2022-2023.
And this effort will continue in the coming years, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, the Regions of the country, the Municipalities throughout the country and Universities and research laboratories.