Children Hospital Renovation Program by OPAP

OPAP was founded in 1958 and is the leading company of the Greek gaming industry. It is an integral part of the country, showcasing continuous and consistent contribution to the socio-economic development of Greece.
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Building on its already rich contribution to the Health sector and prioritizing the improvement of living conditions for children, OPAP undertook the initiative to renovate the two most important, oldest and largest Children Hospitals in Greece; “Aghia Sophia” and “Pan. & Aglaias Kyriakou”.
The key objectives of OPAP’s Children Hospital Renovation program are to:
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The Renovation program in "Aghia Sophia" and "Panagiotis and Aglaia Kyriakou" children hospitals was launced in 2014 and was completed in 2022.
In the pillar of Health, OPAP has set as its priority to improve the therapeutic environment of the two largest and most important Children Hospitals, “Aghia Sofia” and “P&A Kyriakou”, who serve children from all over Greece. On that ground it marshals resources, energy and creativity to offer a pleasant therapeutic environment to the children, their parents, the nursing and the medical stuff. Already the ambitious project is in full progress and has showcased significant results.
Moreover, OPAP rolls out the “Route of Contribution” activation aiming to sensitize the general public and its employees. On the occasion of the Athens Authentic Marathon it has developed a dedicated application inviting people to participate and support the significant initiative of the Hospital Renovation. The users through downloading the application or visiting the microsite could answer to Marathon related quizzes or run (the application counted the total distance run by a user). For every kind of participation, OPAP offered an amount of money to the renovation project.
In May 2022, OPAP completed the renovation project, delivering 30 renovation works across an area of 14,960 sq.m. in total, which includes 23 nursing units of the highest international standards, with a capacity of 564 beds, central sterilization, central entrances, stairwells, etc.
Through extensive building and aesthetic interventions, as well as significant investment in mechanical, electrical, technological and hotel equipment, the two hospitals now have state-of-the-art health facilities and offer a modern environment for children, parents, and medical and nursing staff.
Indicatively, some of the most important projects implemented by OPAP at the two hospitals include:
The program was implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the 1st Regional Health Directorate of Athens and the management of the two hospitals, “Aghia Sofia” and “P&A Kyriakou”.
The initiative is implemented by the Corporate Social Responsibility Team in collaboration with a cross-functional team, comprised of several departments of the organizations (procurement, technichal department e.t.c)
OPAP employees are continuously updated on the development of the project and on the awareness raising initiatives and are invited to sensitize and inform their own frends and families. The are also invited to volunteer in initiatives that aim to support the young patients through various occasions such as seasonal activations, when they deliver gifts to the hospitalized patients.