The goals of the #ZEROPLASTIC initiative are:

• The abolition of single-use plastic cups in OTE Group facilities, within 2019 (canteens, restaurants, water coolers, kitchens).

• The reduction by 50% in 2019 and by 75% in 2020 of single-use plastic bottles.

• The replacement of the plastic bag with paper in COSMOTE and GERMANOS stores throughout Greece.

• The awareness of all employees and future #ZEROPLASTIC ambassadors of the Group, through informative actions, to reduce the use of plastic in their daily lives, but also to recycle properly.

The implementation of the initiative, in addition to the above, has "entrained" the consumption reduction of other single-use plastic items in the Group's office buildings:

- Plastic straws

- Disposable plastic tableware

To the employees of the OTE Group and to the customers of its branch network.

The implementation of the project started in 2019 and required the cooperation of five (5) different business units. Its main challenges are: (1) changing the culture and consumption habits of employees (more than 6,000 employees have already been informed about the project through internal communication channels and 2,000 through personal initiatives); (2) planning a demanding project implementation at Group level (9,500 employees spread over 350 buildings and stores); (3) facilitating the cooperation of canteens and restaurants in OTE Group buildings through investments in infrastructure and materials to provide alternatives to single-use plastics (water coolers, dishwashers, glass cups, etc.) · (4) the motivation of changes in the relevant sectors in the Greek market, as there was a lack of suitable alternatives for single-use plastic items (e.g. paper items without plastic coating, proper management biodegradable items). (5) to seamlessly integrate the #reduce plastic campaign with the company's existing recycling program without confusing employees. and most importantly (6) the introduction of reusable objects into the daily life of workers.


Creation of a Group of "Environmental Ambassadors" employees, to support the project and raise awareness among colleagues through personal information sessions (F2F), starting from the main building of OTE (40% of employees have been informed with personal briefings ~1,200 employees.

The actions of the Program started in the 5 large buildings of the Group and it expands where new canteens are opened (5 new competitions in progress).

#ZEROPLASTIC is much more than just a slogan.

It's a lifestyle and a philosophy that shows in practice how aware we are about the mindless use of plastic, the environment and our future.

The results of the action are the following:

Zero consumption of plastic cups in 8/2019 (from 1,800,000/year)

-45% on the use of plastic bottles in 8/2019

Abolition of the plastic bag in shops on 10/2019 Update 84% of employees in 8 buildings (~8,000)

Reducing the environmental footprint of the OTE Group, changing the mentality and culture of employees, raising awareness of the environment and climate change.