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Zero Tolerance to Corruption We make our employees aware of anti- corruption and we select business partners who respect our values | ||||
Our employees’ and business partners’ awareness and information regarding Anti-corruption issues |
Employees – Business Partners - Suppliers |
2010 until today. |
Compliance with legislation in force, with the Code of Conduct and the internal Policies is of great importance to OTE Group.
To that end, OTE Group has adopted and implements an Anti-Corruption Management System, regarding the compliance of all (employees and management) with the above-mentioned. This System is reviewed by independent external auditors, who confirm the effectiveness of the procedures supporting it. The System is certified in accordance with the international standard ISO 37001:2016 (Anti-Bribery Management Systems), by the independent Certification body “TUV Hellas (TUV Nord) S.A.”.
The prevention of misconduct in parallel with compliance with the relevant OTE Group policies (Code of Conduct, Policy on Avoiding Corruption and other Conflicts of Interest, Policy on Accepting and Granting of Benefits, Donation Policy, Sponsoring Policy, Anti-Fraud Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct) are the System’s key elements. Prevention is achieved mainly through:
the employees’ training on anti-corruption and as well as their awareness, and
A] As far as the employees’ training is concerned, it is carried out at specific stages of the employee’s career in the company, in accordance with their level of hierarchy and duties, following a relevant risk assessment. The training methods derive from the number of employees to be trained, their level of hierarchy and their duties, and are the following: classroom trainings (newly hired, persons promoted to managerial positions, Members of the Upper Management and BoD, employees from certain business units who come into contact with external audiences where the risk of corruption is considered high),
B] As far as the employees’ awareness regarding anti-corruption is concerned, OTE Group conducts, on an annual basis, communication campaigns: 1. In the framework of the International Anti-Corruption Day (9th of December), actions such as a Tone from the Top message by the Chairman of the BoD & CEO to all OTE Group employees, a relevant article on the intranet and a newsletter, give-aways, posters in public places and digital panels are included. 2. In the context of the International Fraud Awareness Week, a relevant article is published on the intranet as well as at the relevant official website supported by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners/ACFE (www.fraudweek.com). 3. In order to create a culture of transparency and of zero tolerance to corruption or fraud, “Speak-up!” campaigns take place, which include articles on the intranet, newsletters and workshops for target audiences. 4. Guidelines to employees on Benefits (gifts and invitations) during Christmas and Easter periods. Additionally, when receiving socially acceptable gifts from business partners, a sticker is affixed to the gift package by the mail staff, which lists the Compliance communication channel (Ask-Me!) for relevant queries.
C] As far as the selection of business partners who respect our principles is concerned, we have adopted the following: Business partners’ checks (pre-contractual integrity checks of prospective partners) according to the Compliance criteria. These criteria include anti-bribery law infringement in the past, negative publicity regarding the partner, as well as the inclusion of the partner to publicly available sanction lists. Relevant checks are performed regarding bodies / associations / NGOs, which the Group cooperates with in the framework of Donations / Sponsorships. |
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) - Greece |
Trainings/awareness campaigns are addressed to all employees. |
All the above-mentioned actions take place in all countries where OTE Group operates. |
The action aims at the commitment to the principles of integrity, transparency, trust, justice, respect for the rules and at the formation of a corporate anti-corruption culture. At OTE Group, since 2010 until today, for the achievement of this goal, the following have been performed: a) more than 45,500 participations in trainings, b) 8 different thematic trainings, c) more than 30 communication campaigns, d) more than 18,000 business partners’ integrity checks. |
1. Safeguarding the Group’s good reputation and promoting the Group as a responsible business partner.
2. Winning Business and Customers (The Certification in accordance with the international standard ISO 37001:2016 “Anti-Bribery Management Systems” provides a clear competitive advantage).
3. Providing Orientation and Clear Rules of Conduct / Empowering our Corporate Anti-corruption Culture.
4. Strengthening our image at the Capital Market, the Investors and the Stakeholders Investors and rating agencies are increasingly focusing on sustainability. Compliance is an essential standard.
*GRI Indices: GRI 205-3: Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken (Anti- Corruption) GRI 419-1: Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area (Socioeconomic Compliance). |