Section | ENVIRONMENT | |||
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World Environment Day 2018: Cleaning of the seabed of Kavala’s port “Apostolos Pavlos”. | ||||
Preparation: Three months. Execution: Two days. |
5th of June 2018: World Environment Day! With the moto “WE CARE”, Energean celebrated the day! In the morning, Energean offered informative lectures by a Professor of Oceanology and an Environmental Engineer, attended by Kavala’s Grammar School students (5th and 6th Grade). Our company’s celebration of the World Environment Day continued that same evening by cleaning the seabed of "Apostolos Pavlos", the Main Port of Kavala, a city in North Eastern Greece that is located a few miles away from Energean's Prinos producing oil field. Energean’s divers alongside with divers- volunteers were in the sea for more than two hours where they dove in for a good purpose. Among the divers-volunteers were Mrs.Ilia Rigas, Energean’s Head of Corporate Social Responsibility Department, and Yoram Laks, Head of Security of Energean Israel. With the support of Energean’s vessels “Energean Wave” and “Skala Prinos”, with the collaboration of Kavala’s Port Authority and with dozens of citizens watching, the divers managed to locate and drag from the seabed all kinds of old materials which cause marine pollution. During the activity, Energean’s employees were explaining to the viewers the action, while distributing cotton reusable bags and flyers made by recycled paper. The flyers contained information regarding recycling, the importance of keeping our seas and oceans clean, as well as the reduction of plastic usage and the protection of life below water. The activity brought together Energean’s management and employees from Athens, London, Israel and Kavala, Energean’s vessels and divers, Kavala’s Port Authority, local stakeholders and personalities, along with the citizens of the city. To honor the World Environment Day, Energean also decided to change its logo for the 5th of June. In all internal and external communication, the Company and its employees used a logo with a blue dolphin above Energean’s name. The TV report coverage of the activity, a year later, was awarded with the first prize by the Ministry of Tourism, as the best TV Report for the year 2019 for a peripheral channel, regarding Environmental Action (ENA Channel, Kavala). |
Energean’s Management and Employees from Athens, London, Israel and Kavala. |
The Main Port of Kavala, named "Apostolos Pavlos". Kavala is a beautiful city in North-Eastern Greece that is located in front of the sea and a few miles away from Energean's Prinos producing oil field. |
An apparent and direct impact from this action by Energean was the location, collection and removal of items from the seabed of Kavala’s port “Apostolos Pavlos”. The items were tires, chairs, tables, parking cones, super market baskets, iron tools, ropes, CDs, an old bicycle and many other things. The sight of garbage being removed from the sea, along with their collection on the back of a truck, created very powerful images. These images, that are surely hard to forget, raised the awareness of society since they were seen by several people who watched the event as eye witnesses, as well as by people that watched it through television and social media. The activity informed the general public about the port pollution and the negative “contribution” of society to the environment. The clear message is that we need to keep the environment and our surroundings clean. The appalling spectacle, served as a negative example, and signaled that we need to respect the Environment more and prevent pollution in our everyday lives. Furthermore, by following all legal procedures and acquiring all necessary permits, Energean filled an institutional gap in the city. |