organization earth

We are greening our cities

The Earth Organization has focused on creating Green Public Infrastructures which are an alternative to nature-based solutions. Green infrastructures are particularly attractive because they offer the possibility of dealing with many challenges at the same time in the same spatial area: for example, they maintain or enhance local biodiversity, increase carbon sequestration, improve the microclimate but also our resistance to extreme weather events, improve the quality of life of residents, upgrade the identity of a neighborhood and potentially create new employment opportunities. Particular emphasis is placed on the selection of plant material, which includes a wide variety of native plants, shrubs and trees with a wide range of flowering, but also a large number, which contribute to the enrichment of biodiversity, where we essentially create a new ecosystem.

The creation of the parks aims to form an ecosystem
which will be able to achieve the maximum change in relation to:

• Environmental improvement, through the long-term sequestration of its dioxide
• Climatic upgrade, reducing temperatures and offering cooling
in the specific locations during the warm months.
• Increase in biodiversity, being a place for the development of flora and fauna
• Correct exploitation of rainwater and returning it to the aquifer
• Aesthetic upgrade, by achieving a dense tissue of trees and shrubs.
• Creation of relaxation areas where residents can meet and get in touch with nature.
• Spaces for co-planning with citizens for the implementation of experiential actions for sustainable development and tackling the climate crisis.

The project started in 2021 and continues to this day.

The basic intention of the design of each park is the creation of a space, which will be part of the daily life of the residents of the area, will be accessible to children and also the creation of environmental education activities for the residents. For this purpose and the realization of the goals, we follow the following steps:

  • Co-planning with the Municipality and Citizens
  • Phytotechnical studies (by professionals and in collaboration with the competent municipal departments of Environment & Greenery)
  • Earthmoving
  • Creation of Infrastructure (e.g. irrigation system)
  • Plantings
  • Educational Activities

Educational Activities at Tsepi Parks

The aim of the actions is to raise awareness and experiential education of the residents of urban areas in matters related to the 17 UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development with the cooperation of municipal authorities, businesses, public benefit initiatives at the "neighborhood" level. We provide citizens with the opportunity to participate in collective activities but also to implement practical solutions in order to act and contribute to the formation of a sustainable city, i.e. the "city we need, the city we want". We offer the right tools and ideal ways for participants to function collectively, adopt a balanced lifestyle, establish new collaborative relationships and be inspired to actively participate in shaping green, productive, safe, inclusive and well-designed cities.

Objectives of Actions

  • Connection with Nature of the citizens who live in the respective urban centers.
  • Development of personal and collective responsibility of citizens in matters of environmental protection.
  • Promoting social cohesion through the establishment of new collaborative relationships between multiple stakeholders.
  • Building active citizens through their participation in creating green, productive, safe, inclusive and well-planned cities.
  • Promotion of the social integration of vulnerable social groups through their participation in collective and educational actions for the environment.
  • Adoption of a healthier eating model, through engaging in urban cultivation actions.
  • Understanding how food is produced, linking sustainable agri-food systems to tackling climate change and adopting environmentally friendly consumption habits and food choices.
  • Improving physical and mental health through activities connecting with Nature.

In 2021, we partnered with the Municipalities of Athens, Aspropyrgos, Ilio, Petroupoli and Thessaloniki and with private initiative bodies such as Procter & Gamble and AB Vassilopoulos.

The purpose of the initiative is the participation of employees of the Earth Organization but also of the private entities that support the actions as well as the active participation of the citizens who live in the municipalities where the interventions are created.

To date, pocket parks have been created in Athens and Thessaloniki and we are targeting other urban centers throughout Greece.

Environmental and Social Footprint

Through the first 7 Neighborhood Gardens of the Earth Organization, in 2021 we achieved the following:

3,845 square meters of public green space

130 trees

5,000+ shrubs and plants

140 children and 180 adults participated in activities connecting with Nature