Value Chain Management: Sustainable Management of Packaging Materials within Circular Economy

The management of the value chain with a view to environmental protection presupposes the adoption of a strategic plan for sustainable development. The effort to connect value chain analysis with the product life cycle yields information useful for supply chain planning, creating added value in the eyes of consumers.

The importance of a holistic view when considering the sustainability of a packaging material is highlighted, while the trade-offs between environmental benefits and the interface with consumer views of value now have significant commercial implications. At the same time, market trends are emerging that potentially orient the allocation of costs to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

Applying a circular economy model to the different stages of the product life cycle is our main goal. It is obvious that the classic production model 'supply - manufacture - withdrawal' which followed each product until it reached the end of its useful life is no longer sustainable. At the same time, social/economic global developments and international trends and guidelines from Directives are consistent with the search for innovative methods in the selection of packaging materials, their management throughout the production chain, but also in monitoring the life cycle of these materials in the context of the company's environmental initiatives.