Section | ECONOMY | |||
TOPIC | ||||
Municipality of Trikala |
Trikala 2025 Strategic Plan: “A Smart, Sufficient and Resilient City” | ||||
The definition of a strategic document with a 10-year planning for the city of Trikala, Greece, with priorities and measures that secure city’s future against challenges like urbanism and climate change. |
All city’s stakeholders (local and regional government; city service and utility providers; companies; Non-Government Organizations (NGOs); industry associations; academia; citizens and communities) -as well as the national government and international, regional and multilateral organizations (i.e., United Nations, standardization bodies etc.) that develop corresponding initiatives and policies- since the strategy affects the entire local community. |
The strategic has an horizon of 10 years (2015 to 2025) and is broken down into two operational plans (2015-2019 and 2020-2024) with intermediate targets and projects. |
The city of Trikala doubled its size and population in 2010 due to the national municipal re-organization (Kallikratis), while a new Municipality that incorporated the smaller ones in the area was structured. However, this extension was not accompanied with the appropriate change preparation and management. The same period the entire country experienced an extensive recession and austerity, which resulted to large unemployment rates that test social cohesion. On the other hand, several challenges appear that the local community has to recognize and prepare a corresponding reaction. Urbanism is an international phenomenon that generates significant problems to the cities, against which the emerging smart city industry is expected to provide with solutions. Climate change on the other hand affects local environmental conditions and lives. Additionally, city resources are being decreased progressively while municipal authorizations increase. At the same time, an increasing competition is being observed at an international level in an attempt for cities to attract visitors, inhabitants and investments. The Municipality of Trikala realized the above challenges and defined a 10-year strategic plan with corresponding measures. This is the first historical attempt for the city of Trikala to engage the entire local forces on the achievement of a mix of targets, in a timeframe that exceeds a single mayor’s service. The municipality has invited all the stakeholders to deliberate on and consulate the definition of this strategy and its corresponding projects. In this regard, all local competitive advantages (demographical, historical, cultural, intelligent etc.) will be utilized for the purposes of this strategy. The new municipal organization is being compromised with this strategic plan, as a mid-term commitment to develop an attractive, sustainable, resilient, sufficient and smart city. Strategic Vision: the development of an operationally smart, sufficient against crises (political, financial and nutritional), resilient, agile and sustainable city, which will be attractive and efficient for its inhabitants, visitors and enterprises. Recognized Challenges: 1. Urbanism: more than 50% of the international population live in cities, a proportion that it is expected to exceed the 70% by 2050 according to UN-HABITAT reports. This phenomenon obliges the cities to enhance their resource management and to focus on sustainability. 2. Climate Change: several environmental disasters (floods, droughts and pandemics) are being observed, with an incremental size and effect πλημμυρών. Local governments have to be able to deal with these disasters. 3. Urban Competition: cities traditionally compete regarding the attraction of inhabitants, visitors and investments. This competition has moved from a national to an international arena and in this respect every city has to utilize its competitive advantages in its attempt to participate in this rivalry and to enhance its human capital. 4. Economy: Greece and especially the region of Thessaly has experienced a long fiscal and political crisis that tested social cohesion, sufficiency and efficiency, while it multiplies the size of potential disasters. City response against such crisis highlights the need for Municipal agility and organizational flexibility. |
The formulation of the strategy held by the Municipality of Trikala initiative. However, all local stakeholders involved in the two public consultations. Furthermore, measures and projects are set refer to all local stakeholders. |
Responsible for conducting, coordination of the consultation and management of strategic projects is the Department of Planning & Development of the Municipality of Trikala. Under the definition of strategic priorities and requested similar projects from all divisions and departments of the municipality, all of which responded. Moreover, due to the demands of the strategy, made and planned training activities of the Municipality staff, expected to implement the identified projects. |
The implementation place of the action was the City of Trikala. |
Strategic definition and deliberation have been completed and corresponding projects are being planned. A set of performance indicators has been formulated but still no results have been documented. |
Benefits to the Municipality of Trikala are summarized in its ability to respond against the strategic challenges. Benefits mainly focus on the formulation of an agile and efficient organization, which has the capacity to achieve in strategic implementation. |