Section | SOCIETY | |||
TOPIC | Initiatives on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic | |||
Stay home – the Municipality of Serres stays at work for you | ||||
Building community resilience during the COVID19 pandemic |
Local population, “Help at home” social programme beneficiaries, students, vulnerable groups |
2020 - today |
Since March 2020, the Municipality of Serres has been at the forefront of protecting its citizens amid the Covid-19 pandemic, accelerating digital administrative reform and launching many health, educational and social initiatives. The operation of a digital platform has been further enhanced in an effort to create a service-oriented culture, tackle inefficiency and maximize constituent satisfaction. In that respect, the existing digital application “click ‘n’ spot” has expanded to include a section titled “e-demotis” offering a range of certificates that had to be obtained in person otherwise. Regarding the Municipal Citizens’ Service Centers (KEP), the Municipality also participates in a pilot operation run by the Ministry of Digital Government offering online appointment requests. Furthermore, due to the Covid-19 social distancing protocols, the Municipal Council has embraced digital democracy holding virtual meetings that are also available on YouTube for live and recorded video streaming, ensuring that the pandemic has not resulted in a gap between the policy-makers and the citizens and that transparency, engagement and information sharing are safeguarded. On an unprecedented level, the Municipality of Serres has been showing leadership launching many initiatives for the protection and the resilience of its citizens. Since the early stages of the pandemic, the Health and Social Care Services have assisted the National Organisation for Public Health in conducting rapid tests on the general public on a weekly basis in order to identify any positive coronavirus cases. Moreover, the Municipality has collaborated with laboratories to offer diagnostic molecular tests to staff (rRT – PCR), students and teachers. New services have been introduced such as the operation of a digital health clinic, a mental health helpline and a helpline for people suffering from dementia. Medicine and food packages have been distributed to the vulnerable urging them to stay at home. Masks and other sanitary material have been distributed to pupils and students and 450 tablets have been handed out to low income families. Contactless temperature measurement devices have been installed in public buildings whilst the intensive disinfection of Municipal buildings, streets and other places (e.g. military camp, police department, fire department, accommodation facility of temporary reception of migrants and refugees) has helped prevent the spread of coronavirus. Recognizing the need for the immediate expansion of the Health Care system, the Municipal Council approved a major donation to the General Hospital of Serres in the form of two fully equipped Intensive Care Units and other medical equipment. The funding came from the cancellation of the 2021 organisation of the annual Christmas Market. Moreover, as a response to the challenge imposed by school closures and in order to build resilience, several social and educational initiatives have been launched. The Municipal Centers of Creative Work for Children have been offering online classes on a daily basis keeping the children active and creative. A series of online educational programs such as online foreign language lessons, after-school tuition, chess, creative writing, rehearsed readings, puppet shows and story-telling and a series of social initiatives and collaborations, such as the “Tale of X Cities”, the “University for the 3rd Age” and the “Friendship at every Age” programs, have all made an impact in providing people of all ages with critical interaction during this time of necessary social-distancing. |
The National Organisation for Public Health has been a key actor in the implementation of weekly diagnostic testing by mobile health units for the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen detection. In this regard, the collaboration with a private laboratory for the performance of diagnostic molecular tests to staff (rRT – PCR), students and teachers, has also been significant. The Municipality of Serres has also co-operated with the General Hospital of Serres, notably for the various voluntary blood donation events and of course the donation of the two fully equipped Intensive Care Units and other medical equipment. For the implementation of the social initiatives regarding food distribution, the Municipality of Serres has collaborated with local enterprises for the supply of goods whilst a network of volunteers, together with the Municipal employees, has helped distributing the supplies. A series of professionals has helped design the educational programs and further collaborations have been put in place regarding a series of programs, such as the Goethe Institut of Thessaloniki (Tale of X cities), the Greek Centre for Lifelong Learning, the international federation “Petits Frères des Pauvres” (Friendship for all ages), the Non-Profit Organisation “People behind” (University of 3rd age) and others. |
Employees from many Municipal departments (e.g. IT Department, Social Services and Health Department) have been involved in the implementation of the initiatives. The Public Benefit Enterprise of the Municipality of Serres and the Municipal Theatre have both orchestrated the rich digital content that has been accessible to all.
Municipality of Serres |
In order to protect the citizens and prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the investment in online communications enabled the Municipality of Serres to operate in a timely manner whilst suspending or limiting physical appearance. More than 4.300 certificates have been issued online and more than 1.400 people have viewed the City Council meetings. Regarding the various social actions, 564 beneficiaries of the “Assistance at home” program have received 15.792 meals at home and 574 grocery packages and approximately 210 beneficiaries of the “Common meals” program have also benefited from the distribution of meals throughout the Municipality (city and villages). From November 2020 to May 2021, 471 pupils have attended more than 100 days of online classes offered by the Municipal Centers of Creative Work for Children. 1000 people have participated in the training seminars, 55 people (adults and students) have participated in the creative writing sessions, 25 seniors have participated in the “University of 3rd age” program and 100 people have participated in the “Tale of X Cities” program and 450 tablets have been offered to students to help them attend homeschooling. Apart from the actions that required registration, a great amount of programs have also been offered online and even though it’s hard to measure attendance, the impact on the beneficiaries is beyond doubt. Despite the economic setback of the Municipal Theatre, the shift from stage to digital resulted in the expansion of creativity and accessibility and also in the protection of its employees against the economic hardships that people in the Arts are facing because of the pandemic. Participating in the national effort to protect the health of the people and recognizing the urgent need for the immediate expansion of the Health Care system, the Municipality of Serres donated approximately 119.000 € to the General Hospital of Serres in the form of two fully equipped Intensive Care Units and other medical equipment. The funding came from the cancellation of the 2021 organisation of the annual Christmas Market. |
Enhancing digital democracy through the acceleration of an efficient service-oriented digital culture has ensured that the pandemic has not resulted in a gap between public administration services and policy-makers on the one hand and the citizens on the other hand. Moreover, the digitalization has led to a decrease in bureaucratic procedures. Despite the loss of revenue due to the prolonged lockdown, the Municipal Theatre of Serres did not make any job cuts and managed to keep the audience engaged. Job cuts were also avoided to the Municipal Centers of Creative Work for Children as 34 employees in total taught online classes to 508 beneficiaries. |