Section | ECONOMY | |||
TOPIC | ||||
Hellas Gold |
Promoting operational responsibility culture | ||||
In Hellas Gold we are committed to operate in full compliance with the laws and regulations, as a part of our sustainable development. The Law Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), the EU directives on transparency (2004/109 / EC) and the guidelines for transparency in payments to governments by the Association of Canadian Mining Enterprises identify for us a framework of operation that requires compliance with laws and regulations, which go beyond the Greek legislation. The importance given by the company in compliance issues is strong from the first day of employment for all employees, as they are called to understand and sign the Code of Business Ethics, the policy of the company against Bribery and Corruption, and the whistleblowing- internal reporting practices. Also, environmental compliance is a key sustainability issue for Hellas Gold, ensuring the operations of the projects, while contributing to the creation of economic, social and environmental value for the company's stakeholders, the wider local community, and the company itself. More specifically, the protection and restoration of the natural wealth of the ecosystems of the area through environmental compliance and corporate policy, contributes directly and indirectly to the well-being of the wider local community. Prosperity is based on the ecosystem of the area and services related to both material benefits from the goods produced (eg food, water, wood), and with intangible, such as recreation and tourism. |
All our stakeholders
Continuous (2012-2016). |
Our commitment to regulatory compliance in financial management and economic openness goes beyond our compliance to the Greek legislation with audits and quarterly reviews of our practices. In all the phases of our financial management we have established precautious controls to avoid any mismanagement practices. Our company is certified according to SOX, by independent auditors and fully internally controlled at least twice a year. In this effort, in Hellas Gold we develop and evolve systems that improve the support we provide in the administration, at the level of economic information and better serve all stakeholders who need information or guidance from the Finance Department. During 2015 we developed and implemented additional modules in the information system of the company to better monitor invoices payments, better predict maintenance of the company's equipment and better planning of spare parts orders. We have formulated and adopted the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to explain and to inform all employees about the business conduct policy within the company. This Code provides general parameters that help resolving any ethical and legal issues that each worker may encounter. The Code of Conduct is in line with the current legislation. All the company's employees are informed and have signed the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which includes a description of fair trade, resolution of conflicts of interest, commitment to meritocracy and complete compliance to all the laws and regulations. Beyond formal compliance with the regulatory framework, in Hellas Gold, we aim to constantly upgrade the quality of the environment in the area of Cassandra Mines, which is achieved by applying stricter Environmental Operating Conditions, and with the restoration of residues of past mining activities. |
Consulting and Auditing companies. |
All our company's employees are informed about and sign the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which includes a description of fair trade, resolution of conflicts of interest, commitment to meritocracy and respect laws and regulations. Moreover, the company systematically cultivates a culture of environmental awareness and promotes voluntary actions on the environment. |
All the plants, the company worksites and installations in Greece. |
The result of the responsible operations is the total compliance to all laws and regulations that ensures the continuous operation of Hellas Gold, despite the recourses against it. |
Promoting a culture that creates a climate of responsible operation, with respect to the environment, to health and safety standards, to the transparent management and with respect to partners and colleagues has resulted in improvements of working environment and corporate results. Furthermore, the job applications are increasing and the rates of withdrawals from the company are decreasing overtime. |