A project – advertisement for the famous Aromatic-Medicinal Plants of Olympus  ( )

The project proposed by the "Perraivia" Network and approved by the Green Fund, was an interdisciplinary approach for the sustainable management of the natural and agricultural resources of SW Olympus (administrative limits of the Municipality of Elassona), with a focus on the protection of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, that grow freely in the wild nature of the world nature monument and their protection, but also the protection of the mountain and its biodiversity, in view of the looming climate change and the extreme weather phenomena, as a consequence of it.

Purpose of the Project


The Project aims to highlight to the general public the importance of the soil for the production of Aromatic-Medicinal Plants at high altitudes, the adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change on their cultivation, scientific information as well as their value in life and health of man.


The Project aims to show that the Climate Change that is taking place on a global level, also affects Greece and especially its natural ecosystems which are at risk of destruction and significant changes, such as the world monument of Nature, Mount Olympus.

Information-Awareness of the social partners

Through its planned actions, the Project aims to raise awareness among the following Groups:

Cultivators and potential cultivators of AFF
general population
farmers and breeders of the area
scientific community (Agronomists - Foresters, etc.)
Civil Society Organizations –
Executives T.A. of Paralympic Municipalities
of students and teachers of A/Grade and 2/Grade Education
Environmental Education Centers

Duration of action

The duration of the Action was from 1/9/2021 to 30/8/2023 and it is noted that:

The initiatives of the "PERRAIVIA" Network will continue through the organization of specialized seminars, in collaboration with the University of Thessaly and the AUTH, all the material of the Olympus+ project will be kept on the website for another four years, at least ( 8th/2027 ) and will be a permanent tool for information, education and awareness of everyone for the protection of Biodiversity and Olympus from Climate Change ((E-Learning).
Besides, the "PERRAIVIA" Network is considered an important development tool for the Region of SW Olympos, PE. of Larisa and Thessaly, since it undertakes initiatives that lead to sustainable development and the creation of the Greece of the future since its foundation in 2007 and until today. (Awarded in the year 2019 and 2023). Cooperates with the Green Fund, the Region of Thessaly, the Municipality of Elassona and other Civil Society Organizations for the development of the region and dealing with the movement of populations to urban centers.

As part of the OLYMPUS+ project, the following were completed:

-Studies by specialized laboratories and scientists of the University of Thessaly and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for the pilot identification and mapping of areas that are subject to intense changes in flora due to intense human activity (collection, illegal grazing) and natural disasters,
- Creation of a Pilot Strategy for the management of areas under threat,
-Study and recording of flora of aromatic-medicinal plants, of a specific area SW of Olympus within the boundaries of the Municipality of Elassona
-Elaboration of interdisciplinary research for the protection of AFFs in their native field
-Recording the existing situation in the field of AFF growers in the study area, (School of Agriculture of the University of Thessaly).
-Study of the possibility of protecting SW Olympus, through the process of reforestation, with the use of specialized scientists, university laboratories and researchers (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).
-Organization of a 4-day seminar and experiential workshops AFF, entitled: "Aromatic Plants in our life - The case of Olympus", in Elassona, by experts on the subject, scientists, who analyze the issue from production, standardization, promotion and marketing, up to the final consumer, which involve the managers par excellence of land and territories,
-Creation of a documentary about the AFF of Olympus - biodiversity protection, actions and policies, but also a promotional spot, to be used in internal and external exhibitions, promoting Greek products and Greek tourism.
-Preparation and presentation of two (2) two TELEVISION SHOWS to Inform-Awareness of the general population, but also of a special audience, regarding the AFF of Olympus and Climate Change
-Creation of educational tools to inform and raise awareness among young people about the value of public media in the life of modern man
-Organization of a photo competition for the AFF with the title: "The aromatic-medicinal plants of Olympus - Source of life and the effects of Climate Change on the mythical mountain"
- Actions to inform and raise awareness about the AFF, the protection of biodiversity and the restoration of habitats or species, from the effects of Climate Change
-Study and Construction of a botanical garden AFF Olympus in Elassona and connection of the AFF with local history and myths, which will include the most representative AFF of SW Olympus.
-Organization of an event to inform the Youth about Biodiversity, the AFFs of Olympus and the effects of Climate Change on Olympus and on the planet Earth (Environmental-artistic event)

Corporate Form

"PERRAIVIA" Network - Elassona (Coordinating Partner)
University of Thessaly - Faculty of Agriculture - Laboratory of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture - Volos
O.FY.PE.K.A.-Ministry of Energy and Climate Change (former Agency for the Management of the Olympus National Forest - Litochoro Pieria)
Sparmos Ski Mountaineering Environmental Association – Sparmos Olympos

Dozens of scientists participated on a voluntary basis, from all the involved Agencies, under the organizational responsibility of the "PERRAIVIA" Network. They worked non-profit, high-level scientists, researchers, NGO executives, students, teachers, elected T.A.A., etc. for the best result and to give some development perspective to the paralympic area.

The "Olympus+" project was an interdisciplinary approach for the sustainable management of the natural and agricultural resources of SW Olympus (administrative boundaries of the Municipality of Elassona), with a focus on the protection of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, which grow freely in the wild nature of the world monument of nature and their protection, but also the protection of the mountain, in view of the looming climate change and extreme weather phenomena, as a consequence of this, relevant studies were carried out by the University of Thessaly and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

The "Peraibia" Network claimed, in difficult competitive conditions and strict criteria, from the Green Fund, among 105 proposals, proving its interest in the preservation of biodiversity, the protection of the mythical mountain from climate change and finally the creation of entrepreneurship and income for the local communities through the AFF.

All information about the initiative can be found at LINK:


The public transport systems of Olympus are a driving force for the development of the Paralympic area

The final result was to protect the biodiversity of SW Olympus and, by extension, the entire mountain range, to inform and raise awareness of everyone (citizens, producers, teachers, students, etc.) about the risks of biodiversity loss, due to of climate change, but at the same time to create suitable conditions for the creation of entrepreneurship, with the central object of the AFF, the generation of income for the local population and the reversal of the population decrease in the area of ​​SW Olympus, this being an example of good practice for similar ones throughout Greece , areas that have corresponding problems of deterioration of the natural environment and loss of human resources towards the urban centers.

It is very important that Civil Society, the University that produces knowledge and research and public bodies work closely together, transferring good practices to the real economy and society.

In addition to the partners, other social groups were also involved in the project, such as the educational community, the residents, the businessmen of the SW Olympus area, the scientific community, the staff of T.A. etc. Also, interest was shown by the KPE Kissavos-Elassonas, KPE Makrynitsa, the Association of Parents and Guardians of Elassona High School and Associations of the region, which have been invited to participate in the informative workshops and other actions of the Project.

In total, hundreds of students (300 students) and climbers and artists (200), photographers, 30 summer school trainees, 150 people participated in the initial and final days, thousands of viewers watched the two television shows, thousands will see the documentary about the AFF that will broadcast by television channels and social media, the public services and the Local Government were informed about the results of the studies on Biodiversity and the measures to protect the mythical mountain, Olympus, from the effects of Climate Change, while for the next years it will the project platform functions as an informative and educational tool.

The aim of the project was to highlight to the general public:

 - the importance of the soil for the production of Aromatic-Medicinal Plants at high altitudes,
- the adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change on their cultivation and the creation of policies to protect the mythical mountain from the effects of Climate Change
-scientific information on their value in human life and health.