Institution of Nutrition Studies & Research

Nutritional Challenges

Your Institute of Nutritional Studies and Research is implementing from the 2020-21 school year, a school competition entitled: NUTRITION CHALLENGES with relevant approval from the relevant department of the Ministry of Education and Religion.

Our purpose is beyond introducing them to processes of healthy eating behavior and polite competition, to pursue "wise knowledge and its secrets" in confrontation with face news & misleading advertisements. Our competition serves to develop the student's analytical and critical thinking, initiative, innovation and creative thinking and reflection. Also, our challenge contributes to the development of career skills by inviting students to practice organized processes of promotion and advertising of their work.

In the competition, students of Secondary Education Schools between the ages of 15-21 are invited every year in order to participate in a student competition with the distinctive title NUTRITION CHALLENGES. Eligible for participation are pure (from the same department or the same class) or mixed (from different classes) groups that will work as a team to achieve a common goal: To create a complete breakfast.

Time Phases of the competition: The competition is divided into three phases after the end of submission of deliverables per participating team. A phase MARCH: Applications for participation B phase APRIL: All projects that meet the basic requirements (aesthetically beautiful, taste pleasing and nutritious for teenagers) are accepted. C phase MAY: Those that have received a positive vote from the public are distinguished: all projects of phase B are exposed for voting on a special platform accessible only to all participating groups with evaluators the creators/participants themselves, where each group votes for one of the works of the other competing teams, but not hers. Each group is entitled to 3 votes.

They will work as a team to achieve a common goal: Creating a complete breakfast meal. This meal should have good aesthetics, be tasty and at the same time particularly nutritious. This particular meal is supposed to have such characteristics (nutritional, aesthetic and taste) that it can be consumed with pleasure by a teenager aged between 15-21 years. The groups that will participate should cooperate in groups of 3 to 7 people and are invited to present us with a full breakfast meal,

-presenting their product in three-dimensional or two-dimensional form (live production with photography and proforma construction

- documenting why they chose the particular ingredients

-supporting why this meal is served at that particular time and for what purpose (scenario for who will consume the particular meal and why he chose it). More information is given in the draft call for tenders.

-creating a recipe where the preparation process will be clearly described (recipe name, ingredients, preparation time, waiting time (if cooling or heating of some or all of the product occurs) in a .doc file, font 12, times new roman, with series spacing 0.5 and spaces left and right at 2.5 In addition to describing the recipe they should - document why they chose the particular ingredients and support why this meal serves its consumers.

Methodological Proposals

It is recommended

- development of a project plan (arrangement of ideas, design, planning, implementation, projection, dissemination, evaluation),

- use of descriptive analysis "5W+2H" (Who, When, Where, What, Why, How, How Many) in order to question and reflect on issues of quantity, quality, origin of products to be proposed (e.g. food kilometers, cycle production and consumption, cooking or food preparation process, combination of nutrients and proportions, etc.).

- content strategy: research, measure and compare, plan, implement, promote & publish, improve.

- product advertising: promotion planning, planning, cross-comparisons with other products, creating a product diffusion network, social networks, improvement processes, impact analysis, website design, etc.

Evaluation criterias

The final project will be evaluated according to criteria:

a) The nutritional and nutritional value

b) The taste

c) The quality of the ingredients

d) The aesthetics of the final product

e) The ease of preparation by adolescents

f) Photographing the work

The participation of the students is optional and the consent of the parents/guardians is required for their participation. The competition will take place outside the schedule. Evaluation procedures for the student competition are foreseen and will be accompanied by evaluation material for each submitting student group, which will be completed by the teachers and students.

Also, it is important for every interested participant to know that a Responsible Declaration is required from the intern supervising the student that he or she accepts the publication of the student's work in an electronic or printed medium, in accordance with the terms of the announcement.. Finally, with regard to copyright, the provisions of Law 2121/1993 "Intellectual property, related rights and cultural matters" [Government Gazette 25/A/04-03-1993] apply, as applicable . Specifically: Article 1 "intellectual property", Article 3 "property right", Article 4 "moral right", Article 12 "transfer".

The student competition takes place without any financial burden for the Students.

The organizing body undertakes the entire process of implementing the competition, ensures the privacy of personal data and preserves the authors' copyrights, in accordance with current legislation.

In the context of implementation, support can be given for the implementation of the competition, with the assistance of volunteer graduate dietitians-nutritionists, members of IDME, per prefecture or Region, if requested by the school units and/or the Directorates of Secondary Education, with a relevant request to [email protected].

No revenue is generated for the organization announcing the competition or for anyone else, from the submitted projects (by marketing or advertising, etc.). The works will be used for educational purposes only.

The action is pan-Hellenic. Each school unit that joins the competition declares as the place of action the area where the school unit is based. More than 20 school units all over Greece participate every year.

After the end of the competition, there is a reward, the awarding of titles, the display and promotion of the distinguished projects, the creation of an album with all the students' projects and the relative recognition of each honorable effort.

A certificate of participation is sent for all projects. In the context of promotion and recognition of the contribution of the participating student groups, all the submitted projects of the students are published and not only the distinguished ones.