Mission Anthropos

Mission WOMAN 45+: We Embrace her needs

Free provision of a full preventive women’s health checkup with blood and gynecological exams for vulnerable women 45 years of age and older, so as to support them to preserve their good health. The medical provisions include a full set of blood tests, PAP smear, bone density scan, digital mammography and breast ultrasound as well as medical assessment and consultation based on their tests’ results.

Women aged 45 years old and over, belonging to socially and or financially vulnerable groups, i.e. single mothers, unemployed women or women facing severe financial difficulties to cover for their basic needs, women from refugee, migrant or other minority backgrounds, women with disabilities etc. The program has benefited 200 vulnerable women so far and will continue its mission in Northern Greece.

The program has been implemented from February 2022 until December 2023, and is set to re-relaunch in September 2024.

Emphasizing on women’s prevention and empowerment, the organization designed the preventive health Program “Mission WOMAN 45+: We embrace her needs”, implemented until now in 2 separate phases, in order to cover specific medical needs of vulnerable women in need aged at least 45 years old.

Each phase of the program included the followings implementation stages:

  • Joining of collaborating partners and their beneficiary vulnerable women who are interested in the program into it
  • Conduction of all medical exams for each beneficiary in 2 appointments near the place of her residence
  • Accessibility to a doctor and receiving a medical assessment of her test results in a 3rd appointment
  • Outputs of the program and evaluation from the beneficiaries and the collaborating partners

so as the fundamental right to health could be ensured for each and every one of the benefited women.

Following the high impact of the program in these 2 years, as well as the increased incoming requests, it is to be expanded in 2024-2025 to cover the needs for more vulnerable women, especially women of Muslim minority background with inadequate, practically nonexistent, access to the healthcare system.  

The program was implemented from February 2022 to March 2023 with the sponsorship of Metlen Energy and Metals (former MYTILINEOS Company) and from September to December 2023 with the support of John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation.

The Program has been implemented in cooperation with the Social Services of 3 Municipalities and 7 NGOs. In specific, the program has benefitted vulnerable women from the following 10 Collaborating Partners:

  • Municipality of Chaidari
  • Municipality of Vyronas
  • Municipality of Peristeri
  • Caritas Athens
  • Caritas Hellas
  • ESTIA – Center for the Care of People with Intellectual Disabilities
  • Melissa Network of Migrant Women in Greece
  • SolidarityNow
  • Utility of the Municipality of Piraeus (KODEP)
  • Voluntary Solidarity Group of Aliveri

All of the medical tests and assessments provided through the Program, have been conducted in collaboration with BIOIATRIKI Healthcare Group.

Day to day implementation and monitoring of the program has been conducted by the Program Manager with the assistance and overall supervision of the Programs’ Coordinator.

A close cooperation between the program manager and the staff of the Medical Provider, both in the headquarters and the relevant branches, as well as the person of contact in each partner organization, was necessary for the smooth implementation of the program.

The program has been implemented in Attica region and the island of Evia so far, soon to be expanded to Northern Greece as well.

Within the framework of the program, a total of 985 Medical Procedures were performed to the 200 beneficiaries of the program. Specifically:

  • 193 Blood Tests
  • 198 Pap Smears
  • 199 Bone Density Measurements
  • 196 Mammograms
  • 198 Breast Ultrasounds

At the same time, 115 Medical Assessments were carried out for women who did not have access to a doctor.

According to the social impact study conducted using SROI methodology, the program 'Mission WOMAN 45+: We embrace her needs' presented an index ratio 3.24:1, meaning that every 1 € invested in the program, created 3.24€ of social value.

The assessment and results of the program have been revealing, showing that in the total of 200 beneficiaries 7 out of the 10 women skipped the needed preventive health checkup or had never visited a gynecologist before. The impact was huge in terms of prevention and health preservation, while at the same time the program has offered the beneficiaries great economic relief, psychosocial empowerment, boost of self-confidence and the feeling of security as well as self-engagement to improve their attitudes in prevention, health and life overall.

A few of the sayings beneficiaries shared with us:

  • ‘I felt better with myself’
  • ‘I had never taken care of myself… This was more than a present for me…’
  • ‘I have developed the courage to better deal with myself and my children’

The organization has benefitted through the:

  • Design and implementation of a program addressed specifically to women’s health, which led to gaining more experience in this field and paving the way for the development of more programs and initiatives for women’s health, prevention and empowerment.
  • Meeting its goals and achieving its mission, through the support to women in need to cover for their basic medical needs.
  • Development and implementation of partnerships as well as affiliations with the added element of collaboration between different parties and organizations.
  • Expansion of the network of collaborating partners of the organization.
  • Strengthening of the bonds of friendship, mutual respect and trust between the organization and the administration of the partner organizations
  • Promotion of itself and its public and social welfare goals and initiatives through the respective means of the collaborating partners.