Section | ECONOMY | |||
TOPIC | ||||
METLEN Energy & Metals |
Integrated Value Creation SCORECARD 2017 | ||||
The value created by MYTILINEOS, over time, manifests itself through changes in the increase, decrease or transformation of resources caused by business activities and its results. This value has two interrelated aspects: (a) value generated for the company itself; and b) value created for the groups of its Social Partners and society in general. The aim of the renewed "Integrated Value Creation SCORECARD 2017" is the presentation to all Social Partners of MYTILINEOS of the basic resources (financial, industrial, physical, human and social) that utilizes during its activity, through its business model, the respective results and the value generated in conjunction with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. In the following e-mail address you can see in detail the updated version of "Integrated Value Creation SCORECARD":https://scorecard.mytilineos.gr/index-en.html. |
January 2017- December 2017 |
MYTILINEOS 'ability to create value for itself is directly related to the value it creates for its Social Partners. This happens through a series of interactions and relationships of its business activities that directly affect the company's ability to operate. The creation of the new information microsite "Integrated Value Creation SCORECARD" highlights, in a direct and understandable way, the common value produced by the company, depending on the category of resources it manages and utilizes in the context of its activity. Basic structure of SCORECARD 1. Demonstration for the first time of the Business Model of MYTILINEOS in combination with the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals and report of key figures. 2. Basic description of the resources (Financial capital, Industrial capital, Natural capital, Human capital, Social capital) that the company utilizes and manages during its activity. For the first time, the analysis of the correlation and the interaction of the categories of resources with each other is presented in order to understand the process of unified perception in the production of added value. 3. Presentation of 2017 results with the relevant changes in each capital category with the reference of specific KPI’s that are framed by comparative graphs over a period of three years. 4. Presentation of KPIs of generated value for MYTILINEOS and its Social Partners framed by comparative charts over a period of three years. Also, in this section, for the first time, the visitor is given the opportunity to be able to select a Global Target and see the corresponding KPIs that the company has set, in the context of its contribution to their achievement to the extent appropriate. http://scorecard.mytilineos.gr/ The quantitative data included in the implementation have been calculated based on the new Standards of the international organization GRI for social reports, while the structure of their presentation was implemented in accordance with the two main sections of the Guidelines of the International Consolidated Accounts (IIRC): "The Capitals" and "The Value Creation for the organization & others". |
There was no cooperation with another body for the implementation of this action. |
Yes (CSR Groups of MYTILINEOS Business Activities). |
MYTILINEOS headquarters in Athens. |
Key results:
Benefits for MYTILINEOS: