Section | ECONOMY | |||
TOPIC | ||||
METLEN Energy & Metals |
Implementation of a thematic dialogue with Social Partners: "Responsible Supply Chain Policy." | ||||
The consultation with the groups of Social Partners, as an institution of Metlen Energy & Metals, is governed by specific principles and objectives and takes place annually with absolute consistency, primarily at the local level, addressing contemporary sustainable development issues that are primarily linked to its business strategy. The effectiveness and transparency of the process are ensured through the Company’s Sustainable Development Governance System, under which the individual Sustainability/ESG leaders and owners of the business sectors of Metlen Energy & Metals record and evaluate all proposals, ideas, and concerns from the Social Partners. The key enduring objectives of the Consultation Institution are: i. To understand and respond to the expectations of the key groups of Social Partners with whom Metlen Energy & Metals communicates, collaborates, and interacts within the framework of its activities. ii. To verify the material sustainable development issues and disseminate corporate values and the concept of responsible entrepreneurship. iii. To continuously strive to enhance transparency and maintain the social acceptance of the company’s operations. iv. To recognize and bridge, in the most effective way, any differences between the company’s policies and the perceptions of its Social Partners regarding material sustainable development issues. v. To highlight new ways of collaboration to improve and strengthen existing relationships, reinforcing Metlens’ policy in the prevention and recognition of economic, environmental, and social risks and opportunities. |
Key suppliers, representatives from clients, sustainable development organizations, and the business community. |
In 2023, as part of the annual Consultation Institution, the Company conducted a thematic dialogue with its Social Partners at a central level on the topic: "Responsible Supply Chain Policy." The primary objectives of the dialogue were: - To capture the views of participants regarding the new Policy in accordance with best international practices. - To assess the readiness of Metlens' suppliers concerning the fulfillment of specific commitments, as outlined in the Responsible Supply Chain Policy. The Policy confirms Metlens' commitment to promoting responsible entrepreneurship and, consequently, enhancing the sustainability of its supply chain. The purpose of the Policy is to advance responsible business practices among its suppliers and partners, ultimately aiming to foster collaborations and partnerships for a better understanding of the impacts on Sustainable Development and the mutual alignment of related goals and expectations. The objective of the Policy is to contribute to the achievement of Metlens' overall Sustainable Development strategy by integrating it into processes and policies governing its broader procurement and supply activities. Specifically, the Policy aids in implementing actions to ensure that all Metlen suppliers, based on the principles of proportionality and significance—particularly those with whom Metlen has or wishes to establish a solid business relationship—are approved and operate in accordance with the fundamental principles of integrity, transparency, capability, professionalism, and ESG criteria. |
The Consultation was conducted electronically through a structured questionnaire sent to more than 150 key suppliers of the Company. The active participation of Social Partners and the feedback received were particularly important for the Company in monitoring the implementation of the Policy. A detailed analysis of the main findings revealed that almost all of Metlen Energy & Metals' key suppliers recognized the significance of the Policy and the completeness of its Principles. This confirms the need to enhance their maturity level, aiming for full compliance with the core requirements set forth by this Policy. Additionally, the potential for the Policy to contribute to a proactive management approach by suppliers on significant Sustainable Development issues they recognize was highlighted. The results of the consultation are detailed on the Company's official website in the section "Our Relationships with Our Social Partners – Metlen Energy & Metals." A total of 168 individuals from the Company's Social Partner groups responded, specifically 154 suppliers and 14 representatives from Customers, Sustainable Development Bodies, and the Business Community. Finally, particularly positive feedback was recorded from the participating key suppliers, focusing mainly on the due diligence the Company applies to environmental and human rights issues, the ongoing evolution/improvement of the Company and its partners regarding sustainability matters, and the priority Metlen Energy & Metals gives to circular economy and sustainable development topics. Furthermore, several suppliers emphasized the high importance the Company places on ensuring labor and human rights, environmental protection, and the practical support it provides to small and medium-sized partner enterprises, as well as the prompt initiation of processes to implement ESG criteria in the procurement evaluation processes that the Company aims to integrate into all its business activities. |
The dialogue and inclusion of proposals are strategic priorities and conscious choices for Metlen Energy & Metals. The recognized Groups of Social Partners of the Company play a crucial role in shaping the integration of aspects of Responsible Entrepreneurship into all substantial issues through a framework of sincere relationships with the Company. This framework includes open communication, continuous collaboration, and feedback from those Social Partners deemed most suitable for each significant sustainability issue. In this way, Metlen Energy & Metals ensures the creation of shared value and puts Sustainable Development into practice for both the Company and its Social Partners, leaving no one behind, while remaining committed to contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as they pertain to it. Specifically, regarding the substantial issues analyzed below, data and information are presented concerning the ways in which Metlen Energy & Metals receives feedback from its Social Partners, integrates it into daily practices, and subsequently informs them about the results of its management approach, policies, and commitments, continuously enriching its approach with innovative elements. |