Section | SOCIETY | |||
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Ensuring Social Cohesion - "The Smile of the Child" next to children victims of any form of violence | ||||
"The Smile of the Child" supports every child victim of violence; physical & sexual & psychological abuse, neglect, bullying, trafficking, smuggling. The axes of involvement:
At the prevention level, "The Smile of the Child" carries out nationwide interactive experiential awareness interventions to students of primary and secondary education, as well as to teachers and parents/guardians, with an 11-member team of specialized psychologists. At the intervention level, the organization operates Homes for children victims of abuse and neglect as well as the National Helpline SOS1056 which receives complaints for children victims, as well as for children in immediate danger and in need of urgent treatment/support. At the level of therapy, "The Smile of the Child " operates the first in Greece - and among the few in Europe - a Day Center for personalized provision of Mental Health Services to children and adolescents, victims of abuse, neglect or domestic violence, children victimized, involved in bullying incidents and generally children who have recently or previously been exposed to intense psychotraumatic experiences and therefore face mental health, adaptation or behavioral problems. Objective of all actions:
Prevention - training/informative sessions at schools focus on all children. Intervention - The Homes address to children of all age groups of both genders, regardless of race or nationality, who for reasons of abuse - neglect or because of serious social conditions, are not allowed to stay in their family environment. All children are referred to the Homes for residence on prosecutor's order and / or order from the competent prosecutors of the country. The National Helpline SOS1056 addressed=s to all citizens, as well as to competent public bodies. (the Hellenic Police, prosecutors, etc.) Therapeutic: The Day Center addresses its services to;
All actions are implemented throughout the year. |
Prevention: Interventions in schools are aimed at all children of primary and secondary education, as well as in kindergartens. Our psychologists communicate with students, teachers and parents about each topic they are concerned about, through organized interactive, experiential actions. To better communicate with students and the adult audience, our psychologists use various tools and methods (social stories-fairy tales, based on bibliotherapy) - European cross media interactive educational tool-Puppet Theater-Shadow Theater-documentary). The main factor in the selection of the appropriate "tools" is the age of the participants in the intervention. Our team of psychologists visits schools all over Greece, using "Odysseas" ("Ulysses"), the first mobile laboratory of Information, Education & Technology, even in the most remote areas. Our team of psychologists remotely communicates with children through the interactive education & information platform YouLearn. While "The Smile of the Child" has developed the action "Ask The Smile", with which our psychologists stand next to parents, teachers and the general public through webinars, web seminars and webcasts. Intervention" The Homes of "The Smile of the Child" for children at risk are primarily places of safe residence and care for children victims and are intended to offer them a new safe family-type environment, in which they will enjoy everything necessary for their healthy physical, psychological, emotional and social development. The Home provide their services on a 24/7 basis. The model for their operation is family-oriented, while the rule stays to avoid the institutionalization of children. Children are provided with shelter, nutrition, personalized education, entertainment, medical support, and especially warmth and love. All children attend schools in the area and follow extracurricular activities, based on their preferences (language schools, sports activities, etc.). Children also participate in recreational events and activities while maintaining contact with friends and classmates and, if appropriate, with people of their wider family environment or with any foster parents. All children growing up in homes are monitored at regular intervals by pediatricians, carry out all the necessary vaccines for their age as well as the necessary microbiological, dental, etc.examinations, while when indicated by the supervising doctors, they undergo specialized examinations, surgical procedures, etc. It is noted that "The Smile of the Child" continues to be next to these children as adults, providing them with every necessary support for their smooth transition to independence. The Organization stands next these children and keeps providing valuable support for their studies, their professional integration etc. The National Helpline SOS1056 operates 365 days a year, 24/7, with a call free of charge from landline or mobile and the possibility of activating immediate on-site intervention for children in immediate danger, as well as receiving anonymous or branded complaints, which are forwarded to the competent prosecutor's Office. Therapeutic: The Day Center with its interdisciplinary team provides children with the following services:
Prevention: The Organization's action in schools is carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs - a relevant cooperation agreement has been undersigned - school counselors, health education/school officers. Intervention The Homes are interconnected and cooperate with the prosecutor's offices of minors, the prosecutor's offices of First Instance, with the social services of the municipalities & other local authorities, the educational units which children attend, public hospitals and medical centers and all local cultural, sports, etc. local intervention and development services. The National Helpline SOS1056 has concluded cooperation agreements with the Ministry of Health & Social Solidarity, the Ministry of Citizen Protection, the Ministry of Shipping & the Aegean, while it also cooperates with the prosecutors, children's hospitals and other NGOs. Therapeutic: The Day Center cooperates with the social services of local authorities, Children's hospitals, prosecutors ' offices, medical education centers, churches, hostels of abused women, and other NGOs. |
Prevention 11-member team of specialized psychologists Intervention: The Houses: 1. Qualified personnel (social worker, psychologist, pedagogues, educator, nurse), 2. Supporting Staff (Cook, Cleaner, Driver) Volunteering is an important and decisive element in the operation of our Homes. Volunteers are people of all age groups who wish to allocate their free time qualitatively for the support of children staying in Homes. The National Helpline SOS1056: social workers and psychologists Therapeutic: Day Center "The child's House": psychiatrist - scientifically responsible, child psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, social worker, speech therapist, occupational therapist, special pedagogue. |
Intervention: "The Smile of the Child" operates Homes in the following areas:
Precaution: By year, interventions were carried out for
Intervention: In the Homes of the Organision have been growing per year:
In the National Helpline SOS1056 per year we receive:
Therapeutic: The Day Center served: