Read for Others

Employees sensitized

The main goal is the sensitization of employees about the limited access of visually impaired people to the books, knowledge and and learning

Employess of companies

8 hours

Reading for others create a custom made awareness action where participants-volunteers employees are becoming readers. They are recording literary excerpts from chosen books, in recording boooths with the help of a sound-engineer. The recording booths are setting the same day in the working space where the awareness action will be hold, and the duration is 8-10 hours. The doing of the stages is:

A) Preparation: Choice of literart excerpts, installation of recording booths,  setting-up of equipment of sound-engineers.

B) Training: The participants-volunteers employess are separated at 8-members groups, who are training from an educator-actor about articulacy, right use of Speech and performance of a literary text, and the right use of studio and microphone.

C) The doing: The awareness action starts after the completion of education of the first group. The first five educated volunteers-readers, they can start record.

D) Editind of the recording excerpts . All the volunteers-readers employees are taking back the recording-excerpt and the best of them are uploaded at the youtube channel of Reading for Others

E) Promotion: At the duration of the action-awareness, a photographer-videographer who will take photos and short videos in order to produce material for the promotion of the action-awareness and create two short videos 30'' with testimonials of the participants.



Alcon ( pharmacy company)

45 employees

Alcon office

  • The volunteers-readers employees concider if there is equality for all at learning, book and knowledge.
  • Empathy and apprehension of dissimilarity
  • Designate the meaning of cooperation between people
  • Designate the meaning of Voluntarism and civil society
  • Production of 45 recording literary excerpts


  • Awareness about the visually impaired people which is the main goal of Reading for Others.
  • Briefing about the profile of Reading for Others
  • In personal briefing about the vision and mission of Reading for Others
  • Attraction of new volunteers
  • Creation of material with testimonials and video in order to be post on social media and the general people raise awareness
  • Cretaion of confidence between Reading for Others and companies
  • Building of collaaboration between Reading for Others and companies