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Development of electric vehicle charging plan | ||||
Already at the threshold of the most important developments in the field of electric power, as all major car industries announce the forthcoming mass production of electric cars and all countries are preparing to support them with infrastructure and administrative measures, Municipality of Domokos prepared the Electric Vehicle Charging Plan. For the Municipality of Domokos, which is a region with a great agricultural activity while at the same time being an intermediate stop for passers-by and visitors, it was considered essential to start immediately the process for the actions that will allow the exploitation of the technological revolution, seeking for this maximum benefit, in all areas of electricity. With its participation in this program, the foundations are being laid and the appropriate infrastructure is being prepared for the residents of Domokos, adapting to the demands of the new era when the electric power will take the leading role, taking into account the estimates of the Ministry of Transport, according to which by 2030 one in three vehicles will be electric. Thus, understanding that electric power has already entered our lives, we declare in practice that we are ready to evolve and transform our Municipality into a modern Municipality that is in line with the needs and imperatives of the new era. |
Residents, employees in the primary, secondary, tertiary sector and visitors and transit residents of the Municipality of Domokos. |
The duration of the action is determined from its start in September 2021 until as long as electric power is the solution to the movement and protection of the environment. |
The municipal Electric Vehicle Charging Plan of Domokos is essentially the Road Map for the location of publicly accessible parking spaces and charging electric vehicles, which is the prerequisite for the development of the relevant infrastructure in the Municipality. In this context, the Electric Vehicle Charging Points have already been located in the communities of the Municipality of Domokos and a special plan has been developed for informing residents and residents with printed and digital material, so that everyone is informed about the Electric Vehicles Recharging Points and their parking spaces. Electric power has already been in our lives and we declare ready to evolve and transform our Municipality into a modern Municipality that is in line with the needs and requirements of the new era, providing the necessary infrastructure to encourage the purchase of more electric vehicles, which will contribute to improving air quality within the residential settlements. Considering that electric power is the biggest challenge the car industry has to face in the current decade (2020-2029) and looking forward to lower operating costs of electric vehicles, combined with the economy of traffic charges, freedom of movement within the ring of major cities and environmentally friendly technology, car manufacturers are increasingly turning in this direction, encouraging states and consumers to align with the new trend of electric power. Of course, EU policy also contributes to this. on climate change, which aims to drastically reduce car exhaust emissions by 2030. In this context, the Municipality of Domokos, fully in line with the legal provisions and the planning of the State for electric power in Greece, which aims in 2030, 1 in 3 cars that will be put into circulation, to be electric, has adopted new practices aiming at the new program of the government "Electrically Driven", which subsidizes (up to a certain ammount) individuals and businesses to buy or lease electric cars. Although the entry of clean electric vehicles into the Greek market is quite recent, with the first models appearing only in the last few years, today most automakers are promoting their electric vehicles in the Greek market, with a relative response for the time being. With the exception of relatively popular hybrid vehicles, the pure electric vehicles found on Greek roads are few numbers. The causes of this limited use of electric vehicles in the Greek area are multiple. Apart from the lack of information on the benefits of electric power and the preference of conventional vehicles, there are practical reasons, such as:
High purchase cost Limited autonomy Lack of electric vehicle charger infrastructure In the framework of the preparation of Domokos Electric Vehicle Charging Plan, the parking spaces within the limits of the Municipality have been studied, as well as the special parking spaces of private cars (such asPeople with disabilities) taxi, bus, municipal and urban transport, loading and unloading, catering and tourist buses. Parking spaces and electric vehicle recharging points have also been located, analysis of road infrastructure, cycle routes, pedestrian routes and public transport has been carried out, along with recording of future regenerations and traffic regulations, in accordance with the respective Technical Instructions of the Ministry of Environment and Energy. The preparation of the Electric Vehicle Charging Plan is funded entirely by the Green Fund. The analysis has been carried out in accordance with European legislation, national strategies and strategies at regional and local level, the study of the urban planning characteristics of the area as well as the analysis of population data and distribution of vehicle occupation and parking spaces, which form the basis for the location of electric chargers. An Existing Situation Analysis and Mapping of the Intervention Area has been carried out and after the evaluation of the road sections for their suitability to host PC chargers, two alternative scenarios for their location have been developed based on the combined urban planning and traffic planning. At the end of the study, a consultation has been carried out, presenting the alternative scenarios in detail. Throughout the consultation, the views of all participants on the location of charging points were expressed and discussed. All the participants showed special interest. The consultation process has been assessed as a successful one. The bodies have been informed about the procedures for the preparation of the Electric Vehicle Charging Plan and through their placements they contributed knowledge and educated ideas based on their subject contributions they contributed knowledge and ideas based on their subject. The development of Electric Vehicle Charging Plan continued with the cost-benefit study to obtain the best implementation scenario, and incentives have been considered for residents with the aim of increasing the electric vehicles share in the municipality. The results have been communicated to the stakeholders for comments.
Finally, the project was successfully closed as it was approved by the Quality of Life Committee of the municipality (decision 2/2021). |
Cooperation with neighboring Municipalities to achieve the continuity and success of the wider design of electric mobility. |
During the preparation of the Electric Vehicle Charging Plan. Local Institutions and Associations, as well as officials of the Municipality of Domokos, participated with the expression of views. |
The action concerns the administrative boundaries of the Municipality of Domokos. |
There is a lot of excitement around the idea of electric cars and it is more than just the appearance, it is about the benefit that citizens get and the environment. Whether it's driving on the highway or in the neighborhood, the public has a sense that the environment is being protected by reducing air pollution and smog. Also, there are a variety of economic benefits from the integration of electric cars into everyday life. As electric vehicles become "mainstream", costs decrease and benefits increase, more drivers are being upgraded to EV (Electric Vehicles). From fuel efficiency and enjoyment to environmental impact and savings, EV help simplify life. |
For the operator, the benefits of electric power are many and significant and concern mainly its ecological footprint in the environment. There are many ways in which electric mobility is green/environmentally friendly and will help Municipality of Domokos to harmonize with global emissions targets (e.g. ‘the Paris Climate Agreement’). Electricity is one of the cleanest sources of energy used. Electric cars contribute to improved air quality through the reduction of hydrocarbons by recommending a carbon-free alternative, reducing the costs of the Municipality's services. In addition, electric power will reduce the total energy required by electric vehicles, and consequently in the transport sector, and thus overall consumption. It will also lead to a dramatic reduction in noise pollution. This is the case in industries such as engines, tires and wind noise. |